Posts Tagged ‘work from home’

Another Short Weekend

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

This weekend went by too fast. I’m bummed. I’m noticing that all my weekends seem to fly by too quickly and that I dread going into work on Mondays. Actually, make that every day.

It’s not the work that bothers me completely, it’s partially the getting up so much earlier than I have to be there just to brave the traffic. Oh well, guess I’ll just have to find a way to work from home so I can stop yammering about the traffic, hmm? 😉

Several years ago, I did work at home for a summer editing audio lectures. It was boring and sometimes stressful work, but I still loved it because I got to do it in my pjs! Unfortunately, I can’t go back to that specific job because they downsized. I learned a lot from that job, but the best thing I learned was that I had the discipline to work from home and not surf the web the entire day.

It makes me blissful just thinking about it. I have to find another job I can do from home! Anyone know of any good home-based businesses out there that doesn’t involve something weird and scam-ish? 😆