Posts Tagged ‘USC’

Long Overdue

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

Mmm.. where to start? Well, let’s see.. I’m still working and mostly enjoying it. It’s a job, though, ya know? Some days I love it, some days I want to just walk out and never look back. It’s frustrating, sometimes, to learn as you go for a job that is all about schedules and what gets done when. But, mostly, I like it. I do. It’s more of a personality issue than anything. It’s not that I don’t get along with my co-workers, it’s just.. well, I just know I’m weird and will always be weird. Most people just don’t get me and that’s fine. I have my select group of friends who do get me and they keep me sane and happy. 🙂

Outside of my job, I’ve have lots to blog about, but just haven’t brought myself to sit down at the computer and type it all down, until now.

Firstly and I must mention this again: Kevin graduated (again). That’s right! My Kevin is a graduate of USC with a Masters Degree in Computer Science. I am so insanely proud of him. Especially because I have about 50 million credits under my belt, but still no college degree, so with him and his second masters degree (first one was a MBA), it just makes me glow inside when I think of what he’s accomplished.

Kevin and I at his USC Graduation Ceremony

Kevin’s parents drove in for the weekend to attend his ceremony, and they got there in the nick of time. It was SO packed full of people there that I swear I was coming close to fists fights to ward off people who wanted the saved seats near the front. Oy! That was on Friday.

On Saturday morning, we treated his mother to an early Mother’s Day brunch and then they were headed off back home. It was a short visit, but I am glad they got to see their son at another one of his shining achievements. He worked hard for it! I’m also glad Kevin got to see his mom for Mother’s Day. It’s hard to see them often since they are several hours away, by car, so it’s nice when he can spend some quality time with them.

At the beginning of the month, I went to the So Cal Renaissance Pleasure Faire with my mom and step-father, George. That was a day I needed. I got buzzed off honey mead, ate the best wild rice ever (followed by a monkey tail for dessert), threw tomatoes at a dude who was (playfully) insulting me and watched turtle races, among other things. A lot of people drink there (including some of the volunteer staff), so it’s full of craziness and the kind of fun you can only have when one is buzzed.

That same weekend, I went shopping for the bike I’ve wanted for oh… years now. I said I just wanted to look, as I didn’t expected to find the exact one I wanted, but there it was, in all it’s sparkly splendor. It’s a gorgeous blue-green Eureka Hawaiian beach cruiser with hibiscus flower accents, a wicker basket and silver bell.

Eureka Hawaiian Beach Cruiser

I took it for a test drive at the beach last weekend, as it was finally warm enough to go without a jacket. Kevin came with me and stayed on the pier while reading a book, as I rode up and back to either “end” of the path, where the bike path branches off from the beach towards longer routes along the coast.

I hope to take it out again this weekend, if the breeze isn’t too stinging as it can be at the beach (especially lately with these cold snaps!). Kevin says he really enjoyed sitting on the pier and reading; said it was very relaxing. 🙂

So, that’s been my life the past month. Of course, there’s always the details that I feel guilty about not writing, because oddly enough, I personally enjoy being able to remember certain events just by reading what I wrote about them. Guess I gotta try a bit harder in keeping these posts up to date, hmm? 😉