Posts Tagged ‘transverse’

Getting Closer

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

This Friday, for the start of my 36th week, I start going weekly to my prenatal appointments. That means that this might be Binary Boy’s birthday month! Am I excited? You betcha. Am I ready? I think so, but I’ve never had a baby. So, I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. 😉

I’ve had some time to ruminate over him being breech/transverse. I’ve decided that I will let them do the external version as soon as possible, because the smaller he is, the safer it is for him.

All this thinking though has lead me to this conclusion: I’ll be able to hold him in my arms in 4 short weeks (or so). And, honestly, I’ll be happy no matter how he gets here, just as long as we’re both healthy. I’ll be able to gaze into two beautiful eyes that I’ve only been able to dream about for 9 months. And, really, at that point, I won’t care whether or not I had my “perfect birth”.

My plan is to keep doing everything that I’m doing, but to let go of all the expectations I’ve been holding onto. My stressing over it on a daily basis is not helpful. To either of us.