Posts Tagged ‘sweet’

Mmmm… Coconut Pancakes.

Monday, November 19th, 2007

There are very few foods in this world that I crave, though I’ve always had a sweet tooth. My favorite sweet flavors are vanilla and coconut (separate or together, it doesn’t matter to me). So, when we went to Thailand and I found out that coconut is used in just about every native dessert, I felt like I died and went to heaven.

Of course now that we are back in the States, I’m craving two types of Thai treats: coconut pancakes and coconut pudding. Neither are served locally anywhere (at least, not that I’ve found so far), but I think I might have found a recipe that looks like it would make the coconut pudding we tried in Thailand. Score!

As for the coconut pancakes, I’m still working on trying to find a recipe that mimics the ones I had in Thailand. I’m a little worried that I won’t find an “authentic” recipe, because most of the recipes I’ve found so far use sweetened condensed milk (ewww) and not coconut milk. 🙁 I’m not about to give up, though! Seriously, those coconut pancakes were the bomb-diggity and I must have them again!

Since I don’t have any coconut milk on hand, my craving for the coconut pudding will have to wait until the next shopping day, but I do plan on making it before the end of the month. When I do, I’ll let you know how it turns out. 🙂

So, I’m curious if I’m the only loony person out there who looks up recipes of random foods she’s tried just to satisfy a craving. Also, what sort of foods do you crave, and if you are having one of your cravings, how far do you go to satisfy it?