Posts Tagged ‘plugin’

Wonderfully Soothing Whitespace

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

So, as you can see, I’ve switched themes. This theme is called “Cutline“. I like this one better than the last one, as it is easier on the eyes and there’s lots of lovely, soothing whitespace. The coding is squeaky clean for a theme, too! The CSS is entirely too much fun to futz with and the actual PHP is nice and organized.

All the photos in the header are mine, taken at various places along my travels. They will probably change with my mood and/or season, but I’m really liking the beach/ocean visuals at the moment. 🙂

Also, if you comment regularly, you might have noticed that you have your own unique avatar next to your name. Those icons are from my newest WordPress plugin, called “Wavatar“. The plugin assigns a totally unique avatar based on and tied to your email address you use to comment, but only if you don’t have a gravatar already. It’s a fun little plugin and, if you comment and don’t have a gravatar, I hope you like your specific “wavatar”!