Posts Tagged ‘photo’

The Many Faces of Binary Boy

Thursday, December 25th, 2008
A curious Binary Boy.

A curious Binary Boy.

Binary Boy, quietly pondering

Binary Boy, quietly pondering

A big, gummy grin from Binary Boy.

A big, gummy grin from Binary Boy.

16 Week Update

Saturday, May 17th, 2008

You knew it was inevitable… I’m going to talk about each and every one of my monthly/bi-monthly appointments, so you might as well get used to it now. 😉

So, yesterday, my 16-week (4 month) appointment went very well. Everything is on schedule, and myself and the baby are in perfect health!

As my care has been with midwives and not OB/GYN’s, I haven’t had a chance to have an official ultrasound since after the accident (although I never mention the ultrasound in that post because the news wasn’t out, yet). They regularly use dopplers instead of ultrasound machines because they are less invasive.

Yesterday, however, the baby was moving around a lot and hiding from the doppler, so the midwife couldn’t get a clear reading of the heartbeat. So the midwife wanted to bring out the ultrasound to take a look. I was all for it! Even though it was low-quality and grainy, I got to see our baby again!

He or she was facing down for most of the ultrasound and we noticed some hiccups and kicking (almost like backward kicks). Towards the end, the baby moved to face directly at us for a short time. It was so amazing.

Here’s one of the photo stills from the ultrasound. It was my favorite because you can see the left leg so clearly.

16 week ultrasound

At the end of the appointment, she handed me a referral to a doctor to schedule a high quality ultrasound for the “anatomy scan” at the hospital. That means we’ll know if we’re having a boy or a girl in the next 2-3 weeks! I’m so excited!

Happy Earth Day!

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Wildflower Meadow

Photo Friday: Misty

Friday, February 1st, 2008

Photo Friday: Misty

Photographed during a misty morning at Montaña de Oro State Park.