Posts Tagged ‘pet CPR’

This Post is For Pet Parents

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Noni gave us quite a scare the other day. She started choking on her food. Kevin yelled for me from the kitchen and I came running, because he knew that I know pet CPR. Thankfully, even before I could begin, she stopped choking and went back to eating her food like nothing had happened.

The look of utter helplessness on Kevin’s face made me turn around and go directly for my book shelf to look for a book I have titled The First Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats. I opened it up to the section on choking and placed it in his hands so he could read it.

I also found detailed steps, with illustrations, to save a choking cat and save a choking dog online.

Thankfully, Noni suffered absolutely no ill effects, and meal times since then have been uneventful, but if it should happen again in the future, both he and I will know what to do. (more…)