Posts Tagged ‘overweight’

There’s No Place Like Home

Friday, November 9th, 2007

We returned home last night, safe and sound. It was such an amazing trip, but I am glad to be home! The first thing we did was lavish attention on the cats, so they know how much we missed them. Since we had the pet sitter “free feed” them while we were gone, they all gained weight! Ack! So, we’re putting them on a diet for a month or so and making sure they get some extra exercise so they lose that little big of pudge. It’s just as unhealthy for a pet to be overweight as it is for a human. 😉

It was so nice to sleep in my own bed again! Though, Kevin and I both seem to still be off time-wise since we got back. We’re awake when we’re supposed to be sleepy and we’re hungry at all the wrong times. Guess we both still have that pesky little travelers thing called jet-lag.

After unpacking, I had a chance to look at the photos I took. Basically, I took over 1,000 photos. That’s an average of 100 photos per day. That’s a scary number and I am not about to torture anyone who wants to get the basics of our trip with putting that many photos up in an online album! So, I plan to sort through them and choose the 100 photos that best encapsulate our experience in Thailand.

Side note. If you sent me an email while I was away, I’ll be returning it within the next day or two. Thanks for your patience! 🙂