Posts Tagged ‘mom’

The Best Job in the World

Sunday, May 10th, 2009
Mom and Binary Boy (5 days old)

Mom and Binary Boy (5 days old)

Beginning when you’re very young, everyone asks you what you want to be when you grow up. For a long time, I wanted to be an artist – as in paintings. As I got older, my idea of what I wanted to be when I grew up changed. For a while I wanted to be a biologist, then an oceanographer, then a geographer, then a park ranger, then I flirted briefly with the idea of joining the Navy, then a nutritionist, then a teacher, and then I went for my Veterinary Technician degree. Obviously, none of them worked out and for the most part, I’ve worked in administration.

Through all of my years trying to find something that I found fulfilling, it never occurred to me, as a little girl, that I could be a mom when I grew up. As young children, we all take our moms, and everything she does for us, for granted. And besides, a mom doesn’t get paid money for her job and she doesn’t have to go into an office, or even dress up…so does it count?

As a woman who’s worked since she was 15 years old and now a new mom, I feel I can say that yes, it counts. Not only does it count as a “real” job, it is possibly the most important job on the planet. Moms are caring for and nurturing and molding the future adults of the world: the future husbands and wives and moms and dads of this world. It occurred to me that, for the most part, moms truly are the glue that keeps the human race together.

Even though moms don’t get a salary, paid vacation, sick leave or a pension, being a mom is a real job, and, for some women, a career. However, whether or not a woman makes a “career” of being a mom or not, being a mom is still a full-time job. Once a woman is mom, she will FOREVER be a mom, even when her child is having children of their own. It is a lifelong position that provides a challenging work place, room for growth and, best of all, unconditional love.

Even though most girls don’t really say “I want to be a mom when I grow up.”, most of us do become mothers and, I gotta tell ya, it really is the best job in the whole wide world. Oh, and those applying must be able to multi-task!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

A Year of Changes

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008
Happy New Year from Binary Blonde & Family!

Happy New Year from Binary Blonde & Family!

This year brought so many changes, it’s hard to wrap my brain around just all that has happened in such a short amount of time. I think instead of making a list, I’ll highlight the top three.

2008 marked our 5th wedding anniversary. It’s been an amazing five years, just Kevin and me. It’s amazing to think that just last year we were in Thailand for our anniversary. This year, however, I went into labor on our anniversary and Binary Boy was born a day after!

So, 2008 also made me a mommy to a handsome baby boy and I could write volumes on how I finally feel fulfilled with him in my life. I am honestly not sure how to explain how becoming a mom has changed me, but I can say that the changes are certainly welcomed. I can explain certain things, like patience, selflessness and unconditional love, but it’s hard to put into words just how much my whole perception has changed.

Needless to say, I can’t imagine my life without Binary Boy in it. He filled a void that I never knew I had until it was whole. :heart:

2008 also took Kevin and I to a completely different city. We moved away from everyone and everything familiar to start a new life on our own terms. It was the best decision, aside from choosing to start a family, that we’ve made during our marriage. We still wonder to each other why we didn’t move here sooner.

We cleaned and decluttered all the stuff we were toting around from our lives from even before we met, packed up what was left, rounded up the cats and moved into our first house in Austin.

Happy New Year from Binary Blonde & Family!

Happy New Year from Binary Blonde & Family!

Sure, we had purchased our condo back in California, but this house was different. This house was carefully chosen to have room for friends and family to visit and stay and to grow our child(ren) in. We picked everything out, from the tiles in the bathroom to the color of the paint on the walls. This was where we wanted to settle down and grow roots.

And now, with Binary Boy, who is the light of our life, this house is now a Home. 2008 has been a year of many changes, most (though, not all) of them positive. My life, our lives, are richer and greater than if we would have never taken a chance and accepted the inevitable that I always try and remember: that change is the only constant in this world.

Here’s hoping that 2009 brings many more positive, prosperous changes! Happy New Year, Y’all! 😉