Posts Tagged ‘Kevin’

Thinking About Moving

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

Texas, with cute animals!Recently, the topic of moving out of state has come up. Why? Well, why not, really? We both love California, but feel drawn to move elsewhere. There is no specific reason really. We just want to move.

Now that we’ve both settled on the idea of moving, we’re trying to decide exactly where to move to. Kevin and I have batted around ideas for where we want to move and have been looking more seriously at Austin, Texas.

Neither Kevin nor I have visited Austin, but from what we’ve read (and we’ve done lots of reading), it seems like a perfect place for us.

Here is where you come in, though. If you know anything about Austin or have any opinions on it, either good or bad, I want to know! Please let me know anything you’ve heard about, read about or know about the city. This is a big decision for us and I want to know we’re weighing all of our options before pulling up roots and relocating.