Posts Tagged ‘ipod’

Scary Stack of Paper

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

Scary ‘In’ Box

So, that really ginormous stack on the left? That’s my “In” box. And, you guessed it, that really teeny stack on right is my “Out” box.

The company I work for hired me as a long-term temp to go through that stack on the left, one by one, and make sure the person listed on each paper actually has an account listed in their database. It’s mind-numbingly boring.

The boring part isn’t the searching or sorting, really (though, that’s a big part of it, for sure). No, the worst part is that I don’t have access to the internet on my computer. I have access to their database, but not their internet proxy, so all I see when I open a browser is their internal website.

It’s torture. Seriously, how did people who worked when there was no internet get through the day and stay sane!?

On the bright side, at least I can listen to my iPod Nano while I work. It’s pretty much the only thing keeping me from falling asleep on the job! 😆 I’m finding out that there are some really great podcasts (and videocasts) available. I’m only subscribed to about twelve or so, but am hoping to find more to last me an entire day.

Do you listen to podcasts and/or videocasts? If you do and would like to recommend one for me, please leave a comment and let me know!