Posts Tagged ‘delurking’

Hello Out There!

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Delurker Day & WeekI’d like to mention that today is Delurker Day. In addition, this entire week (even though it’s almost over) is also Delurker Week. It’s basically a day (and week) set aside to encourage lurkers to peek out from behind their feed readers and say hello.

I admit, I have the bad habit of lurking myself. I find that, even though I read a lot of interesting blogs in my feed reader, I don’t always go to the blog directly to comment. I’m really trying to be better, though!

So, in addition to my wonderful and lovely regular commenters, whom I adore, I’d like to welcome the lurkers of Binary Blonde! Please take a moment to say hello! I promise I don’t bite. 😉