Posts Tagged ‘conference’

BlogHer is Everywhere!

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

While pretty much every blogger I know is going to be in San Francisco, CA at BlogHer, I will be in the Central Valley of California with my family (I try not to call them the “in-laws”, it just doesn’t fit our close dynamic). And on the second day of BlogHer, I will be enjoying my Baby Shower!

Someday, I would love to go to BlogHer. I commented on gorgeous footsteps in the sand that I would love to take Binary Boy to San Francisco when he gets old enough. Though, I don’t know if many mom’s take their children to the actual conference. Hmmm..

I guess I am getting a little ahead of myself, huh? I tend to do that when I am excited about something, even if it may be years away of actually happening!

Anyway, the great thing about blogging is I will be able to read all about the BlogHer conference even though I can’t be there in person. Here are a list of my regular reads that are attending:

If I missed anyone (my brain hasn’t been up to full capacity lately) and you know I read your blog, let me know and I’ll add you! 🙂