Posts Tagged ‘chiropractor’

It’s Not Him, It’s Me

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

Yesterday, I had my first chiropractic appointment. Most of the appointment was taken up by testing my balance and flexibility, but he did manage to get in some adjustments around my hips. He wants me to come in 3-4 times a week for the next month. Which is fine, but considering Kevin and I still share a car (it’s a long story on why – for later), it’s going to take some juggling to make it work.

Basically, the chiropractor confirmed what I have been secretly thinking since finding out that Binary Boy is still breech. The chiropractor determined that the muscles around my hips and lower back are too tight, which is preventing Binary Boy from turning. Though, he did mention, as an afterthought, that Binary Boy might not be ready to turn, yet. 😛

Sure, Binary Boy has another 4-5 weeks to “bake” in there, but from what I understand most babies are head down by now. And true, we might never know if he just turns on his own or if it will be the adjustments, but at least I’ll know that I’m doing everything in my power to facilitate a natural birth for him!

So, in addition to the chiropractic adjustments, here are the other things I’ve been doing:

  • Lateral lunges, daily
  • Breech tilt (pillows under the tush), 2-3 times weekly
  • Ironing board (used like a plank), 2-3 times daily
  • Warmth and cold, daily and mostly in conjunction with the ironing board
  • Warm baths, 2-3 times weekly
  • Music (on mah bellah), daily
  • Reclining as little as possible
  • Homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla 30X

I think I have all my bases covered, so if he doesn’t turn by week 39 (in a month), I guess a natural birth just wasn’t meant to be. 😉