Posts Tagged ‘Boppy’

Tummy Time

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

A friend of mine suggested that I blog only photos until I find time to write posts again. I think it is a great suggestion! So great, in fact, that I will start with some photos I took today of Binary Boy playing on his Boppy play gym.

Binary Boy enjoying some tummy time on his Boppy play gym.

Binary Boy enjoying some tummy time on his Boppy play gym.

Binary Boy enjoying some tummy time on his Boppy play gym.

Binary Boy enjoying some tummy time on his Boppy play gym.

Hopefully, I can post a photo a day. It might be too ambitious, but it’s worth a try! 😉 Also, in 10 days, Binary Boy will be 4 months old. I know I’ve said this before and I’ll more than likely say it again, but they really do grow so fast!