Posts Tagged ‘BlogHer’

BlogHer is Everywhere!

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

While pretty much every blogger I know is going to be in San Francisco, CA at BlogHer, I will be in the Central Valley of California with my family (I try not to call them the “in-laws”, it just doesn’t fit our close dynamic). And on the second day of BlogHer, I will be enjoying my Baby Shower!

Someday, I would love to go to BlogHer. I commented on gorgeous footsteps in the sand that I would love to take Binary Boy to San Francisco when he gets old enough. Though, I don’t know if many mom’s take their children to the actual conference. Hmmm..

I guess I am getting a little ahead of myself, huh? I tend to do that when I am excited about something, even if it may be years away of actually happening!

Anyway, the great thing about blogging is I will be able to read all about the BlogHer conference even though I can’t be there in person. Here are a list of my regular reads that are attending:

If I missed anyone (my brain hasn’t been up to full capacity lately) and you know I read your blog, let me know and I’ll add you! 🙂

Blog Day for The MOTHERS Act

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

BlogHers Act: Blog Day for the Mothers ActToday is Blog Day for The MOTHERS Act! It is a day to raise awareness about a serious disease that affects up to 20% of new mothers, as much as 800,000 American women each year, a disease called postpartum depression. It is also an important day to act!

Right now, as you read this, a life saving legislative initiative, which will help to end the suffering of thousands of mothers, infants and families, while offering education, research and training to those who are charged with their care, is awaiting U.S. Senate sponsorship and support. The Moms Opportunity to Access Help, Education, Research and Support for Postpartum Depression Act, or MOTHERS Act is that initiative. And it needs your voice to become federal law!

Before you click away, let me remind you of something. All of us today, reading this, have something in common; we all have mothers. What I ask of you is so very simple to do and it only requires you to make one quick phone call.

Here is all you need to do:

First, find your U.S. Senator from this list.

Second, pick up the phone and call! If the line is busy, call back or leave your message.

Third, use this script, if you need an idea of what to say:

“Hello this is (your name), one of Senator (Senator’s name) constituents from (your town). I am calling to ask the Senator to co-sponsor The MOTHERS Act bill number S. 1375, sponsored by Senator Menendez, which will provide funding for research, education, screening and treatment of postpartum depression.”

That’s it! Your state Senator is there to hear what you have to say, and act upon, what you want to see happen in our country. He or she will appreciate your phone call on what is important to YOU.

To learn more about the MOTHERS Act and postpartum depression, please visit Postpartum Support International and BlogHer.