Posts Tagged ‘birth announcement’

Announcing Binary Boy

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
Binary Boy - 7 pounds, 3 ounces - 19.5 inches

Binary Boy - 7 pounds, 3 ounces - 19.5 inches

It’s been a tiring weekend for me, so I probably won’t make much sense if I try and post the details all in my own words just yet. All I really can say now is I can’t stop staring at him and I am completely head over heels in love with our son. :heart:

Instead, I’m going to post the email announcement Kevin sent out to friends and family yesterday (with my name changes):

Hi Friends and Family,

[Binary Blonde] and I are delighted to let you know that [Binary Boy] was born yesterday, October 26th, at 12:30pm at the Austin Area Birthing Center. He weighed in at 7 lbs., 3 oz. and measured 19.5″.

The labor was a long one, but was completed naturally and without medication (if you don’t count the smelling salts administered to me). [Binary Blonde] bounced back magnificently and we were back at home by 8:00pm last night. [Binary Boy] has been feeding well and often, sleeping soundly, with only a minimal amount of fussing. While this may be beginner’s luck, [Binary Blonde] and I are just happy that our baby was born happy and healthy.

Despite his acute levels of handsomeness being off the charts (in addition to a severe and apparently incurable case of what I’m told is technically termed “kissability”), we declined the offer to have him tested to avoid the ensuing publicity that would surely come with his being included in future medical texts. Our hope is to keep [Binary Boy] out of the public eye for as long as possible but, given the obviousness of his condition, look for him shortly on various magazine covers at local newsstands and fine bookstores near you.

Attached are pictures of the happy addition to our family. Autographs available upon request; please allow 4-5 years for delivery.

Kevin and [Binary Blonde]

As I find the time, I will be writing the birth story and will post it here for interested parties. 🙂 Also, we have pictures galore and will be posting others as I find a moment or two, which is few and far between, as Binary Boy is a “grazer” and nurses often and in little amounts. I am pretty much nursing around the clock and blogging is far down on the list; first are cat naps and eating!