Archive for the ‘Site News’ Category

Photo & Images

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

Pardon my dust as I slowly re-add the photos and images on my blog. When I migrated my blog from Drupal to WordPress, none of the the images and photos came with it because they were all stored in my Drupal database. No worries, though, as I always (always!) keep backups and will soon be installing Gallery2 to store & display all my photos. As I am working on this, most of the photos (in particular Photo Friday) will not show up and all of the adoption shop images will be gone.

I have no precise time limit for how long photos and images will be down, but I will do my best to get them within a week or so. I appreciate your patience with this and apologize for any inconvenience.

Moved from Drupal to WordPress

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Yup! I went and did the unthinkable; I migrated my blog from Drupal to WordPress. I found a great resource, over at D’Arcy Norman dot net, that helped me immensely with copying over the tables, etc. to the new database.

It was time. I no longer need all the functionality of Drupal, so WordPress was the obvious choice. Just a warning, however, that things will be mighty funky-looking/acting around here for a while until I get all the photos/images, links, categories and comment issues ironed out.

Also, I know I’ve been quiet around here lately, and I will update with more soon. Both Kevin and I have been busy working on several side projects. Hope you are all well!

New Theme

Wednesday, November 1st, 2006

Hopefully you’ve noticed the new theme. If not, maybe you should get checked for color-blindness. Heh. 😛

Probably the first thing you’ll notice is that it is wider. Did you know that 800×600 isn’t the standard anymore? I didn’t until I started on this new theme. 1024×768 is the new black.. or whatever. It’s also much brighter and more colorful. Only a few key graphics are used, the rest is CSS magic.

It’s more “me”, and I’m not just talking about my mug over there in the side bar. These are “my” colors. As I was futzing with it during my precious spare time (basically while I’m supposed to be sleeping), Kevin said that this theme was more “me” than anything else I was working on. I took that as good sign and stuck with it.

Anyway, since I haven’t had much time to test every little detail before CSS Reboot, there might be some little things that are out of whack or don’t quite look right. I’m working on it, bit by bit, and will hopefully have all the kinks ironed out in a week or so (that includes the photo albums, with new w i d e r photos!).

Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome, just leave a comment.

My Blog Provokes Aliens!

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005

Blog in Space - Most Likely to Be Contacted 12.13.2005Check it out – my blog is featured on the front page for today, December 13, 2005! It was crowned the title of “Most Likely To Be Contacted”. They say it’s for its outstanding ability to potentially provoke alien responses back to Planet Earth. Hmmm.

“I am no longer considered part of the World Wide Web. I am now officially part of the Intergalatic Wide Web.” Hehe.