Archive for the ‘Friends & Family’ Category

The Joys of Marriage

Sunday, November 18th, 2007

Following is a chain of events that happened just this morning between Kevin and myself. Whether it is funny or not will be up to you.

To set the scene, I am in our bathroom, and have just noticed that my toothbrush is missing from the holder near the sink. Knowing that Kevin sometimes puts his toothbrush in his drawer as a reflex, I check in there, just in case. Lo’ and behold was my toothbrush, but his was still in the holder. Then it hit me… I yell across the house, as I make my way into the living room.

BB: “Kev!? What color is your toothbrush?”

Kev: “What? Why? My toothbrush is the purple one.”

BB: “Ugh. No, no it is not. Mine is the purple one. It is ALWAYS the purple one. Yours is ALWAYS the blue one! UGH. When did you start using the purple toothbrush?”

Kev: “After we got back from Thailand.”


Even though I am still grossed out by this (I’m weird about my dental hygiene), I still find it hilarious. Needless to say, I replaced both of our toothbrushes.

Thanksgiving in the Springtime

Friday, November 16th, 2007

It’s weird that it’s almost Thanksgiving. Not that I’m not looking forward to spending time with my mom and stepfather. Rather, it just feels weird weather-wise. Lately, the days have been warm and sunny in So Cal, almost like it was Spring and not Winter.

Also, I think living in the hot, humid (glorious!) weather in Thailand for almost two weeks recently skewed my perception. It just doesn’t feel right. Thanksgiving doesn’t come when the sun is out and it’s 80 degrees Fahrenheit outside! It comes when the air is crisp and cool and the leaves are changing colors.

Seriously… is this freakish weather global warming or just a fluke? I have to admit, it freaks me out a little either way. 8-o

Four Years Ago Today…

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

Kevin and I were married at The Castaway in Burbank, California. Ironically enough, both the sky and sun was a deep, bright orange as there were widespread fires up in the hills of the valley. Our ceremony was held outside on the balcony and the wind just before sunset was blustery and strong. Finally, though, just as the ceremony started, the winds calmed down and it was peaceful. I was very grateful for that, especially considering the length of my train (15 feet!).

Our trip to Thailand is how we are celebrating, so we don’t really have any special plans made. Though, we did exchange gifts. I read that, traditionally, for the 4th wedding anniversary, one would give the gift of fruit or flowers. Not too bad, considering I love both! Nowadays, however, the typical modern gift is either an appliance or linens and silks. Kevin took the “appliance” part to heart and I received an 8 gig iPod Nano!

iPod Nano

It looks bigger than it really is, because everything looks bigger in my tiny hands. It’s incredibly thin and insanely easy to use. I’ve already uploaded over half of my music library and… oh… about 20+ podcasts. That ought to last me the 12 days of our trip to Thailand, right? 😮

Protected: Visit From the Past

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

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