From the category archives:

Food & Health

I’ve Got Skillz

January 4, 2008

Lately, I’ve been eating a lot of oranges. Partially because they are in season and, therefore, the organic variety have been on sale. Though, really, it’s because they’re just super delicious and I love them. Here are the remains of my latest tasty treat: No, your eyes are not deceiving you; that is one, long […]

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The Best Cure for a Cold

December 14, 2007

I’ve been under the weather these past few days. I’ve not been in the mood to even peek at my email until this evening, which is odd for me, especially considering reading my email in the mornings is like drinking a cup of coffee for most people – I simply cannot fully wake up and […]

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Body Work. So Worth It..

December 6, 2007

While I only spent two days in San Francisco, my best friend and I packed those days full! Right after getting off the plane, we went to drop off my luggage at her condo (which is gorgeous and so metro!). After getting a whirlwind tour of their place, we visited my favorite stop on my […]

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Tis the Season

November 27, 2007

Seems I came down with a wee bit of a cold. 🙁 Guess it is the season for this sort of thing, right? Though, I think I got it late in the “cold & flu season”, as most people I know (including Kevin) got through this illness weeks ago. Oh well, guess I’ll just have […]

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