Archive for the ‘Food & Health’ Category

I’ve Got Skillz

Friday, January 4th, 2008

Lately, I’ve been eating a lot of oranges. Partially because they are in season and, therefore, the organic variety have been on sale. Though, really, it’s because they’re just super delicious and I love them.

Here are the remains of my latest tasty treat:

Orange Peel

No, your eyes are not deceiving you; that is one, long orange peel. That’s right, you may now bow down to my mad orange-peeling skillz. 😉

So, since I’m on an orange kick, here are a few fun facts about oranges:

  • The orange is technically a hesperidum, a type of berry.
  • The orange was the first fresh fruit to bear a trademark. In 1919 the California Fruit Growers Exchange burned ‘Sunkist’ on their oranges.
  • Almost 40% of the orange crop in the U.S. goes to make frozen concentrate.
  • Florida produces about 70% of the total U.S. crop, and 90% of its production goes to make juice.
  • Brazil produces more oranges than any other country.

Next time you’re at a cocktail party, feel free to make use of them. 😆

Facts from Food Reference.

The Best Cure for a Cold

Friday, December 14th, 2007

I’ve been under the weather these past few days. I’ve not been in the mood to even peek at my email until this evening, which is odd for me, especially considering reading my email in the mornings is like drinking a cup of coffee for most people – I simply cannot fully wake up and face the day until my email is read. That is, until I come down with a cold. Then, I shun reading from a screen and go for reading the old fashioned way.

So, for several hours a day, I’ve enjoyed being bundled up with a hot cup of tea and a good book. Well, actually two good books. Seems I’ve come under the spell of a certain high fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. The series was introduced to me by an old friend over a year ago.

Though, until a few weeks ago, however, I hadn’t even cracked open a page of the first book in the series, called A Game of Thrones. But, since I recently had some time on my hands (being sick with laryngitis and all), I decided to dive in. And, I’ve barely come up for air! I’m done with the first book and am already 3/4 into the second book in the series, which is called A Clash of Kings.

Anyway, the combo of hot herbal tea and really good book is the best cure for the common cold that I’ve ever found. It almost makes me forget the sore throat and constant sneezing… almost. 😉

Body Work. So Worth It..

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

While I only spent two days in San Francisco, my best friend and I packed those days full! Right after getting off the plane, we went to drop off my luggage at her condo (which is gorgeous and so metro!). After getting a whirlwind tour of their place, we visited my favorite stop on my trip – a massage and body work facility called PSOAS. My friend and her husband have been going there for several months now. They do all sorts of fancy stuff there, like deep tissue massage, sports massage, joint mobilization, myofascial release, and work with other clinical/sports body issues.

Now, I should disclose that I’ve never had a professional massage in my adult life. Hard to believe, right? Well, knowing this, my friend said she would treat me to an hour-long session of deep tissue massage (yes, I have the greatest friend in the world, and not just because she treated me to a professional massage). I can’t explain in words how amazingly good I felt after that massage. Yes, it was tight and a little painful, though not unbearably painful, in certain places (notably my hips and neck) when he really got down into the muscle, but afterwards I came out feeling like a million bucks. I felt like I was floating on air. Pains that I never knew I had were gone!

So, needless to say, next time I visit San Francisco, Kevin is coming with me and we are both getting a deep tissue massage. Also, if you ever have a chance to get a deep tissue massage – do it. It’s worth it. So worth it.

Tis the Season

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

Seems I came down with a wee bit of a cold. 🙁 Guess it is the season for this sort of thing, right? Though, I think I got it late in the “cold & flu season”, as most people I know (including Kevin) got through this illness weeks ago.

Oh well, guess I’ll just have to rest up in bed and play more Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Teehee!