I have to admit, I’m really tired now. Only 1.5 hours to go, though. There’s no way I’m giving up now. Send some wake-up vibes my way, ‘kay?
Archive for the ‘Blogathon 2007’ Category
Waiting Game
Sunday, July 29th, 2007The Cats are Restless
Sunday, July 29th, 2007The cats are so restless right now. They don’t get fed until 5:00 am, when we get up, but they are sure as heck trying to get me to feed them early! And is it normal to be cross-eyed this late? I hope so.. 😛
I’m a Winner!!!
Sunday, July 29th, 2007Aww, heck… It’s 2.5 hours left and I’m tired as all heck. Though, I did win a couple of CD’s from one of Bear’s personal stash and my mom sponsored me, so I am a happy Binary Blonde right now. 😀
STAY AWAKE!!!! Or better yet, come visit all of us crazies in the Mojo Radio Live chatroom! Good music and fun – what more could you want?? (Okay, other than some shut-eye. :-P)
Three Hours Left Haiku
Sunday, July 29th, 2007So close to the end,
Three hours and counting down,
Can you see the light?