Archive for the ‘Blogathon 2007’ Category

Waiting Game

Sunday, July 29th, 2007

I have to admit, I’m really tired now. Only 1.5 hours to go, though. There’s no way I’m giving up now. Send some wake-up vibes my way, ‘kay?

The Cats are Restless

Sunday, July 29th, 2007

The cats are so restless right now. They don’t get fed until 5:00 am, when we get up, but they are sure as heck trying to get me to feed them early! And is it normal to be cross-eyed this late? I hope so.. 😛

I’m a Winner!!!

Sunday, July 29th, 2007

Aww, heck… It’s 2.5 hours left and I’m tired as all heck. Though, I did win a couple of CD’s from one of Bear’s personal stash and my mom sponsored me, so I am a happy Binary Blonde right now. 😀

STAY AWAKE!!!! Or better yet, come visit all of us crazies in the Mojo Radio Live chatroom! Good music and fun – what more could you want?? (Okay, other than some shut-eye. :-P)

Three Hours Left Haiku

Sunday, July 29th, 2007

So close to the end,
Three hours and counting down,
Can you see the light?