Archive for the ‘Rants’ Category

Scary Stack of Paper

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

Scary ‘In’ Box

So, that really ginormous stack on the left? That’s my “In” box. And, you guessed it, that really teeny stack on right is my “Out” box.

The company I work for hired me as a long-term temp to go through that stack on the left, one by one, and make sure the person listed on each paper actually has an account listed in their database. It’s mind-numbingly boring.

The boring part isn’t the searching or sorting, really (though, that’s a big part of it, for sure). No, the worst part is that I don’t have access to the internet on my computer. I have access to their database, but not their internet proxy, so all I see when I open a browser is their internal website.

It’s torture. Seriously, how did people who worked when there was no internet get through the day and stay sane!?

On the bright side, at least I can listen to my iPod Nano while I work. It’s pretty much the only thing keeping me from falling asleep on the job! 😆 I’m finding out that there are some really great podcasts (and videocasts) available. I’m only subscribed to about twelve or so, but am hoping to find more to last me an entire day.

Do you listen to podcasts and/or videocasts? If you do and would like to recommend one for me, please leave a comment and let me know!

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Monday, January 7th, 2008

Okay, I know it’s not really that fair to rant about how icky the weather is in Southern California right now when most of the U.S. is snowed in, but highs in the upper 50’s is not what I signed up for when I moved to So Cal. Freaking brrrr!

Also, in addition to the recent freezing temps, we’ve got constant drizzles and rain. I don’t want to go outside and feel cold and clammy. I want to feel warm and dry. Is that too much to ask for when you live in So Cal? 😥

Sleeping Through the Traffic*

Monday, December 17th, 2007


Yes, that pretty much sums up how I feel right now. I’m tired. Like the weird, feeling-like-your-floating tired. I barely slept last night. Which would have been okay had I been able to sleep in, but today I started another temp work assignment. Also okay, but the location of the assignment is just off the 405 and anyone who knows So Cal traffic knows that the 405 has the worst traffic EVER. Basically, what should take me 15 minutes (according to Google Maps), takes me an hour because of traffic. So, I had to get up an hour earlier and it took me an hour to get home, and the job location is only 12 miles away. It’s enough to make someone want to move away…

Anyway, enough of my ranting about So Cal traffic. I could fill a post a day about how crappy So Cal traffic is at any time of the day and night, let alone rush hour(s).

Honestly, underneath all the tired, I’m feeling a whole lot better than I was when I wrote my last post. My cold is gone and I mostly feel like myself again. (Yay!) Tonight, hopefully, I can get a good nights rest. Heh… Let’s keep an open mind, shall we? 😛

* Not literally. I promise. 🙂

American Zombie

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

This post, Are you an American zombie?, saddened me almost to the point of tears. I’m not sure why exactly, because I don’t consider myself an American zombie in any respect. In fact, I am very conscious about what I do with my time, what I spend my money on and what TV shows I watch in any given week (commercial-free thanks to our modded Xbox).

Maybe it’s the fact that I see the zombies everywhere and I feel helpless to do anything about it in the people I love the most. I know that it is so easy to walk the “zombie” path in life. It’s so easy to think you never have enough, to want the bigger and better, the newest [insert item here]. It’s so easy to sit on the couch and zone out after a long, hard day at work. It’s so easy to be complacent towards the world and its problems. Unfortunately, it’s so easy to do nothing about being a zombie that your life slips away while watching those shows and shopping for stuff you don’t need.

I might be naive, but I still have hope that those zombies will wake-up one day soon and realise that life is more than television shows, hamburgers and BMW’s. And no, I do not have all the answers. What I do know is that life is not supposed to be the way it is for the majority of people out there and that life isn’t supposed to be one long string of doing the same “zombified” things, day after day.

That reminds me of a comic I found on and posted in my blog in April of this year: Dreams

So, yeah, what they said!