August 21, 2006
I am a huge fan of The Colbert Report. I never miss an episode – all of them are recorded. Even if I’m asleep/on vacation/other stuff that takes up the time slot from 11:30 to midnight, the show is always saved for later viewing goodness.
One of my fave gimmicks of his is the "On Notice Board". When I found an On Notice Board Generator last night, I just had to make one of my very own.
Binary Blonde’s On Notice Board
Okay, so now that I have my board up, what are some of the things you would put on your own "On Notice Board"? Make yours here and leave a comment letting me know where you posted it. 😀
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June 7, 2006
Yesterday, here in the city of Long Beach, we voted twice. We had to choose our state electorates and our new mayor.
Tonight, as Kevin and I were settling in to our favorite spot at our local java shop, he says, "So, Bob Foster won the mayoral election."
I reply, "Oh, good."
To which he replies, "But, that’s not the guy we voted for."
I answer, "That’s okay, he was my second choice."
He started laughing and suddenly I realised why. There were only two mayoral candidates.
I’m passing it off as a blonde moment.
P.S. – "Two Vote Tuesday" is trade marked. Yup. The little TM was next to the phrase on one of our voting stickers. Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.
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