On Blogging

Yes, I know. I am not supposed to blog about not blogging, but here I am, doing just that. What can I say? I’ve been busy. You know, doing stuff. Being a mom, being a wife, taking care of the house.. you know, that kind of stuff. Mom stuff and domestic stuff that is all consuming of energy and time. So much so, that my evenings usually end with me exhausted and falling asleep (passing out) at 9 o’clock PM. With yet unfolded piles of laundry haunting my dreams…. fun times I tell ya.

Well, not tonight! I made some hot chocolate and hopefully the sugar will give me a boost so I can write on at least one of the myriad of post subjects that keep floating around in my head, or if they’re lucky enough, get written down on a scrap of paper that is added to large stack of other little scraps of paper on my desk.

So, instead of rambling on and on about being tired (blah, blah, blah), I will begin on my next post. So far, so good, at least I haven’t fallen asleep yet and it’s 10 o’clock.

It’s nice to be back. I missed you. 🙂

2 Responses to “On Blogging”

  1. I’ve completely lost my blogging mojo… but you have a good excuse. 🙂

    I hope to “see” you more often, though. I enjoy your posts.
    .-= Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba)’s last blog ..I hope she has a flower… =-.

  2. cool website, I have just built one myself about butterflies. If you would like to check it outtattoos of butterflies
    .-= samantha hern’s last blog ..Tattoos Of Butterflies =-.

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