Archive for April, 2008

Free Money!

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Heehee – not quite! 😉

Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?
A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.

Q. Where will the government get this money?
A. From taxpayers.

Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?
A. Only a smidgen.

Q. What is the purpose of this payment?
A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy.

Q. But isn’t that stimulating the economy of China?
A. Shut up.

When PostSecret Gets Personal

Monday, April 28th, 2008

I read PostSecret every week and I marvel at some of the postcards people send in. This week, however, as I was scrolling down the page, one of them caught my eye.

It’s one of the “depressing” ones, so I really don’t feel like posting it here, but it’s the fourth one up from the bottom.

The reason it caught me eye? One of my dear friends has pretty distinct hand writing and I could swear that the writing on the card is hers.

I’m thinking about sending her an email asking if she sent it in, because as one of her friends I know that the subject matter in question happened to her last year, except for that last part of the sentence.

I’m hoping that it’s not her hand writing, but I have this sinking feeling that it is. I know that people send in those secrets so they can remain anonymous, but I would feel awful knowing that she is in such pain and I couldn’t help her through it.

If you were in my shoes, would you send her an email asking if it were hers or just leave it alone?

Please Support Passage of The MOTHERS Act

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

As I am a bit preoccupied today, this is a copy/paste post. However, this is something I feel strongly about, so that is why I am posting it at all.

I hope you seriously consider adding your name to petition for this important piece of legislation, The MOTHERS Act, to be passed. After all, it effects anyone who is a parent OR child – and that is each and every one of us. 🙂

We Must Speak Out in Full Support of Postpartum Depression (PPD) Legislation NOW.

Click here to connect and be counted!

You may have heard the complaints on the internet lately; asking readers to block passage of legislation to help new mothers and their families cope with postpartum depression. The House and Senate both have legislation – H.R. 20 and S. 1375 – that some mistakenly believe is a conspiracy to push new mothers to take medication.

Tell that to the more than 800,000 women who will develop a diagnosable postpartum mood disorder this year! This does not include the 7.5% of women who will develop major depression during pregnancy.

How disappointing! Those who are speaking out against the Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Care Act obviously know little to nothing about this legislation. Some are even saying that Melanie Blocker-Stokes, who took her own life after suffering this illness, was simply just sad.

This could not be farther from the truth! Ask her mother, Carol Blocker, who has dedicated her life to the passage of this protective legislation named in honor of her daughter.

This legislation does NOT recommend drugs, require drugs, or endorse drugs. What it does is:

  • Encourage the Department of Health and Human Services to expand the research into the causes of postpartum conditions and find treatments.
  • Establish a national public awareness campaign to increase awareness and knowledge of PPD and psychosis.
  • Make grants available for programs that develop and offer essential services to women with PPD.

Even if you have already done so, please take the time to let your representatives in Washington know that you support this vital legislation. Help counter the misinformation they are currently receiving!

Click here to connect and be counted! One person CAN make a difference.

Lizards, Snakes & Frogs – Oh My!

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

We’ve been living here in Austin for almost two weeks now, and I swear I’ve seen more critters in these past two weeks than I have in all the time I lived in So Cal. Don’t get me wrong – I love critters! It’s Kevin I’m worried about.

Earlier this week, we went out to bring a load of laundry to the facilities here at the apartment complex, and just outside our door in the breezeway was a stripped garden snake. It was a thin little thing and wouldn’t dare move when we passed by it, but Kevin ran past it like it was spitting and ready to bite! 😆 I wish I had my camera, because it was cute and tiny, nothing that could have harmed Kev in the least.

That same night, I found a large toad near the sidewalk, and pointed it out to Kevin. He wasn’t afraid of it, but wasn’t as fascinated with it like I was. Again, it was too dark to get a good photo. 🙁 I think he made a comment like, “What is this – a witch’s cauldron!?” Hahahaha!

So, last night, we were doing another load of laundry and walked passed our neighbors window, when Kevin noticed a longish critter on the screen.

Kev: “What is that, a walking stick?”
Me: “No, it’s a lizard.”
Kev: “Eh, I wouldn’t want that thing in my house!”

You probably can guess where this is going…

Little lizard on our blinds. So, last night around 3:00 AM we were startled by Kanji jumping onto (or into, I’m not sure which) the blinds in our bedroom.

Yup, there was a lizard on the blinds. It was just your average medium-sized lizard. Of course, I was unconcerned, but Kevin was not happy – at all.

As the cats chittered and meowed in frustration, I told him we should probably catch it and get it outside so we can get back to sleep.

Kev: “What!? How are we supposed to do that!?”
Me (sleepily): “I don’t know.. get a glass jar or something, grab it and stick it in there.”
Kev: “I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.”
Me: “Sorry.. If you get the jar, I’ll do it.”

So, he finds a plastic tuperware instead and I corner the poor thing, catch it with my hands and contain it. He runs to open the door and I dump the container over in the breezeway. Super easy and no harm done! Guess all my lizard-catching as a child will pay off here. 😀

We shut that particular window, because the lizard probably snuck its way in through the screen somehow. Kevin vowed to check the cracks today to make sure it doesn’t happen again. And even though the cats were a little pissed off that we took away their toy, they finally settled down again and we got another few hours sleep.

Personally, I love (non-poisonous) critters, and don’t mind if they find their way inside, but would much rather they do it when we’re not asleep. 😉