I’ve Lost My Groove

I feel like I’ve lost my groove when it comes to blogging (both reading and writing) lately, and for that I apologize. Though, more than the lack of any coherent thought process, I miss reading about what is going on in your lives.

I’ve had a lot on my mind lately and I feel out of touch and scatterbrained, but I know very soon I will find my groove again. I hope you can bear with me as I clear away the clutter that is my brain right now.

7 Responses to “I’ve Lost My Groove”

  1. simple Mindz says:

    not a problem…we all get that way from time to time.

  2. Bobby says:

    Have been feeling the same mojo lately…but I have found some great links. Oh, the magick of the del.icio.us daily blog posting utility.

  3. Deven says:

    Feel free to refresh yourself. It will flow when you are ready to let it.

    Enjoy your time away.

  4. GG says:

    Join the club…maybe time to add your favorite links of the week?

  5. katelin says:

    Ya I think we’ve all been in a funk lately, it’s okay.

  6. You can’t lose your grove now…I’m new here, so keep it up. I like what I have seen so far. Let me put you into my reader before I forget.

  7. simple Mindz – Yeah, I guess you’re right.

    Bobby – Those links are very cool! I wish I could use the internet at work – argh.

    Deven – I’m pretty good at getting back on track quickly.

    GG – Great idea! Think I’ll try that when I am in one of these funks again.

    Katelin – Not you, too! Hope you bounce back quickly. 🙂

    Natural Woman – No worries, I’m trying to get back into the swing of things as best I can. 🙂 Though, some nights I just gotta throw up a photo and hope for the best.

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