Hello Out There!

Delurker Day & WeekI’d like to mention that today is Delurker Day. In addition, this entire week (even though it’s almost over) is also Delurker Week. It’s basically a day (and week) set aside to encourage lurkers to peek out from behind their feed readers and say hello.

I admit, I have the bad habit of lurking myself. I find that, even though I read a lot of interesting blogs in my feed reader, I don’t always go to the blog directly to comment. I’m really trying to be better, though!

So, in addition to my wonderful and lovely regular commenters, whom I adore, I’d like to welcome the lurkers of Binary Blonde! Please take a moment to say hello! I promise I don’t bite. 😉

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7 Responses to “Hello Out There!”

  1. Miz UV says:

    I think I’ve commented once before, but since I’m a relatively new reader I’ll say hi here. Hi!

  2. jamie says:

    I’ve commented a couple times. Hi though!

  3. katelin says:

    I’ve become a regular, but no harm in saying hi! 🙂

  4. GG says:

    I lurk a lot–but not here!

  5. lauren says:

    Just saying hi after reading for about two years. You helped my then boyfriend (now husband) adopt our two wonderful kitties right before the Best Friends left New Orleans after the hurricane.

    Zucchini and Bell Pepper (Zookie and Belle) are doing great and are awesome cats!

  6. Sarah says:

    Delurking! I have a bad habit of lurking everywhere. And also, to say… thanks so much for the book! I was super excited to get a gift in the mail! I never thought anyone would actually send me something! Haha. 🙂

    I’ll have to read and review now.

  7. Miz UV – Hi! Welcome! 🙂 I love getting to know new readers.

    Jamie – Howdy! 😀 Yes, I’m glad when you drop by!

    Katelin – Hi there! Yes, thanks for stopping by regularly! I love your comments. 🙂

    GG – Hello fellow Californian! That makes me feel special – thank you.

    Lauren – Hi Welcome! I do remember the little, itty baby kittens your now-husband adopted. They look so happy and so healthy. This totally made my day and warmed my heart. Hold on, I think I have a little dust in my eyes… :blush: Thank you for sharing and saying hi today!

    Sarah – Helloooo! Thanks for delurking! And you’re so welcome for the book! I love surprising friends. 😀 I’ll keep an eye out on your blog for the review.

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