Final Moblog Photo Test

Final Moblog Photo Test

Okay! This is the last test post I am sending with my phone to ensure
that I am able to blog when/if we find a wifi connection in Thailand.

The kitty in the photo is Celeste. 🙂

4 Responses to “Final Moblog Photo Test”

  1. Martoon says:

    I need to test this out sumtime soon – Im often away from home so this would be good to do when im in the full swing of bloggin (just started too)

    Btw, I hated binary at college 🙁 Just couldnt get the hang of it to begin with then as soon as I did, Ive never used it again! Same with logic gates – I got so confused!

  2. Yes, that is a good idea. I tested it from home first, before I used it out “in the field”. It was easy to tweak the moblog template that way, too. Good luck with your pursuits to moblog!

  3. Andre says:

    nice kitty in the pic 😀

  4. xbvz afgd says:

    Holy Perpetuated Stereotypes. There are a few inaccuracies here I just cannot let pass. Being half-Irish is a poor excuse to perpetuate the incorrect “fact” that we’ve “achieved the highest rate of alcohol consumption”. Last I heard we don’t even break the top ten (worldwide) of big-drinking countries. We do however binge drink – which is what gives us the name for it. And corned beef and cabbage is not Irish. Bacon and cabbage is Irish. But if you look for corned beef and cabbage in Irish restaurants then you’ll be looking a long time.

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