Good Morning!

GOoooood Morning! Are we ready to start this thang!? I sure as heck am! Let’s see, I’ve got coffee, some coffee, a clear schedule, some fresh strawberries, cereal, did I mention coffee?, a few other miscellaneous snacks and coffee.

Yup, I’m all set! 😉

So, I think I’m going to just wing my posts like I did last year. No plan, no theme, just me and my babbling thoughts. Worry not, though, I have lots on my mind lately and haven’t had much time to blog, so I plan to yack, yack, yack about all that’s been going on the past few months.

Oh! Oh! And don’t forget.. if you’re up at Midnight Pacific Time (3 o’clock AM Eastern), tune into KMRL – Mojo Radio Live to catch my show Digital Tapas. It’s a special Blogathon 2007 LIVE 2 hour show. I will be playing some seriously upbeat tunes and, as a bonus, I will be conducting a raffle for two lucky sponsors of myself or KMRL! For $20 or more, you will also be entered into the raffle pool for an iPod, a gift certificate and a “Goth in a Box” – both of which are pictured at the Mojo Radio Live Flickr site.

One more note: You can sponsor myself or any other blogger for the entirety of Blogathon!

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