Back to School

August 1, 2006

Tonight I am registering for my Fall semester classes. It seems like it’s been forever since I was in school. Come to think of it, by the time I head back, it’ll have been nine months!

Right smack in the middle of Fall ’05 semester, Hurricane Katrina made landfall. Like everyone else, I never thought it was as bad as it really was. I continued going to classes and sent a few charities some money.

Then my birthday came in mid-September and I couldn’t celebrate it. There is more to that story than just the hurricane, but the horror we were all seeing on television added to the depression I usually feel around my birthday. The more I thought about it, the stronger I was being pulled towards New Orleans. It wasn’t until another month had past until I decided that I just had to be there to help with animal rescue.

I did help and ultimately made three trips over there, from when I first flew over on November 1 ’05 to when I returned home the day before Mardi Gras on February 28 ’06. I lived in Louisiana a total of 85 days. During that time I came to really see my tent as home. 😉

Anyway, it’ll be nice to get back into my studies again. I haven’t spoken with my teachers since I returned, so hopefully they don’t think I dropped out. My wish is that this semester will be completely uneventful and the only “disaster” I’ll have to worry about is getting a bad grade on my final.

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