Master Cleanse: Last Day

Master Cleanse: maple syrup bottles and orange

So, 10 days, 12 lemons, 20 limes, a couple of teaspoons of cayenne and almost 4 bottles of maple syrup later, I am done with my first Master Cleanser experience. I just finished my last limeade and am feeling great. I know I could go longer, but that is for another time. This first cleanse was a great experience and a wonderful time to learn what works and what doesn’t. After feeling this great, now I know why many people go 2 weeks, 3 weeks, even a month on this cleanse. Of course, there were ups and downs, but the bottom line is to detoxify and that’s exactly what it did… and well!

I am so happy I did this and, also to know that I could. There were moments of weakness where, when I opened the fridge for my maple syrup and glanced at some yummy food or another, I wanted to just stop and eat. I am glad I didn’t, as I know how good it can be when you don’t give in and make it past those parts.

Tomorrow, I will drink only fresh orange juice. Thankfully, we have a juicer, so it will be minimal work to juice all those oranges for an entire day. I will also prepare for the soup I will be eating on the two days following. I found a great recipe for vegetable soup, so I will use that as a guide.

The end result of this cleanse is sorta contradictory to me, as I feel it made me obsess about food even more, but it the best of ways. It made me realise just how much pre-packaged/frozen food I eat. So, in a way, the cleanse has made me take a step back and look at the big “food picture”. Because of this experience, I will be eating fresher, better and cooking more from scratch. Especially snacks and desserts (carbs), which are the main pre-packaged culprits in my life.

As I mostly skimmed over any, uhm, details about what your body goes through during the cleanse, and I really don’t plan on revealing everything of that matter on my blog, I would be more than happy to answer any questions personally via my contact form. Or, you can try The Raw Food Site forums, which is a much better resource for answers to questions regarding The Master Cleanser.

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9 Responses to “Master Cleanse: Last Day”

  1. Juicer Guru says:

    I love detoxing – you just feel so great after it. First time I tried it I felt really ill 2 – 3 days into but I was advised to perservere and I’m glad I did.

    I’m first to hold my hands up and admit that my eating habits and diet could be so much better – when I’m away from home staying in hotels and the likes it’s just so difficult to eat healthy – well here in the UK it is.

    So after a 10 – 12 day trip I come home feeling bloated and lethargic and start a 3 day juicing detox.

    My morning juice is usually the same – just a basic beetroot juice – I call it Bangin’ Beet.

    2 medium beets
    2 carrots
    1 red apple
    1 orange
    1 celery stick
    Little bit of ginger root

    (Add extra celery & ginger to taste)

    Cheers, John
    .-= Juicer Guru’s last blog ..May 18- Juicing Recipe -ltbr-gtYammin Carrot and Apple =-.

  2. Melissa says:

    Hi! I am getting ready to start the Master Cleanse. I noticed you did it to detox. I like that idea as well-but I am getting ready for a bigt event & wondered-did you have any weight loss to report? And if so, how much? Maybe you already specified that in your blog but I didn’t see it. Thanks!

    • Bruce says:

      Hi Melissa, I’m a 48 year old natural bodybuilder and do a master cleanse every six months to clean out the toxins and rejuvinate the body. While it’s tough giving up all of the protein for a few days, the results are well worth it! Some people think I’m crazy when they hear I’m doing this….because there is not a lot of information out there about this among the general public. Thanks for spreading the good word!

  3. I love those moments when you realize something that you completely missed before… like how you realized how much frozen food you eat.

    Whenever you take something out of your life, you gain a new perspective of it, and it happens a lot with health and diet. Before I started juicing, I thought was healthy and felt pretty good. But afterward, when I realized how good I could feel, I didn’t want to go back 🙂

  4. Michael says:

    I have had good success with the lemonade diet. The only difference is I use the pill form. Much easier to do. With a reasonable meals, I have lost 12 pounds in a couple of weeks. I do this a couple of times a year and feel great.

  5. aldina says:

    hey, me and my mam are think of starting the master cleanse thing is i go to high school (17), will i have to do the cleanse at a time when we are on holidays from school? :/ , and do you lose a decent amont of weight 😀 well thank u very much and please please please email me the answers back!! 😀 xxxx cheers

  6. Pulp Recipes says:

    Just came across this post randomly when I was googling juicing in my break at work. This master cleanse sounds really interesting I have not ever heard anything like it.. I think I will try it as I work as a bar tender and drinking alcohol 24/7 is not as good as it sounds!

    And since im new to juicing I would love to share my website Pulp Recipes blog. Hope you stop by!



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