Master Cleanse: Begins Tomorrow

Master Cleanse

So, tomorrow I’m beginning a 10-day-long “Master Cleanse”. I was intrigued to try it after my best friend’s grandmother brought it up while discussing nutrition and recommended reading the book “The Master Cleanser” to learn more about it. So, I bought the book (it’s only $6.50) and after reading how easy it seems, and weighing all the benefits, I decided to attempt it.

You might have heard of it by another name: The Lemonade Diet. You also might have heard of it by way of Robin Quivers from the Howard Stern Show. I don’t consider it a diet, however, and am personally doing it to detoxify and give my body a break from digesting solid foods for a bit. Although many people do lose weight during the cleanse, I am not expecting to because I already am at my target weight. Some people who actually need to gain weight, do so after doing this cleanse. Overall, it’s really meant to “balance” you.

I am blogging the entire experience. Don’t worry, though, I won’t go into any gross details. 😉 Hopefully, if all goes well, I’ll make it through all 10 days and on the 11th day, I can begin getting used to solid foods again by drinking fresh-squeezed orange juice. The two days following the fresh orange juice I can begin to eat soup broth and some of the veggies made with the broth. The fourth day following the cleanse I can eat fresh veggies and fruit.

After that, I can begin eating as I normally would, although I do plan to eat more fresh, raw foods from then on. I’ll include some interesting links about the Master Cleanse throughout the full two week period. Wish me luck!

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