Archive for October, 2005

Desperate Plea for Volunteers

Saturday, October 29th, 2005

Anyone who is able-bodied can help. Efforts to rescue pets in New Orleans are NOT over! They especially need rescue personnel, vet techs and in-state vets. Please help or spread the word to anyone who will get up and GO!

Visit for detailed information.

Please crosspost!!

Edit: ARGH! I am so frustrated. I’m angry that the media isn’t still following pet rescue efforts over there. It’s like it doesn’t exist except if you’re in the middle of it all and reading the posts, getting the emails, etc. (which I am right now, and I am the only one to blame for that!).

I cannot stress this enough. People who love animals and are willing to volunteer for a few days should just go! If you can’t go to New Orleans, post this information in your blog. Tell a friend! Crosspost on whatever list you’re on. More info: &

All I can say is that I cannot get over there SOON ENOUGH and start helping. Only 2 more days!

Photo Friday: Delicate

Friday, October 28th, 2005

[insert /files/images/2005-10-28.jpg photo here]

Photographed at The Elfin Forest in San Luis Obispo.

Keeping Your Pets Safe on Halloween

Thursday, October 27th, 2005

Halloween is a fun time for humans, but not necessarily for pets. Please follow these tips, and share them with others, to help keep all pets safe this Halloween.

  1. Protect your pet on Halloween by keeping her indoors. A pet that is out at night with trick-or-treaters might get spooked by noise and costumes, which could cause her to run off and get lost.
  2. All cats should be kept indoors at all times; however, if you have a solid black or solid white cat, you should be especially careful about keeping her indoors on Halloween. If possible, try and keep her indoors for a week before and a week after Halloween, for adding safety. Some people are superstitious about cats and may try to scare or harm her.
  3. Keep your pet confined and away from the door while you are greeting trick-or-treaters at your home to prevent her from darting outdoors.
  4. Your dog may feel that his territory is being invaded by the constant onslaught of visitors. Keeping your dog in a secluded area of the house will help him stay calm and prevent him from growling or possibly biting your visiting ghouls and goblins.
  5. Keep Halloween candy out of your pets reach, because it can make your pet very ill. In fact, chocolate and raisins can be fatal to dogs!
  6. Celebrate Halloween with your pet by giving him goodies that are made especially for her species, like dog biscuits or cat treats.
  7. If you are considering giving a black or white cat as a gift to celebrate Halloween, please either give a stuffed animal or a gift certificate to your local animal shelter, instead. This will allow your friend or family member to select just the right cat (or other pet) for them.

“Something terrible happened in New Orleans”

Thursday, October 27th, 2005

The title is a quote from Dave’s latest post about his experiences of pet rescue in New Orleans. He returned from his second trip there on Tuesday (October 25) and wrote it the evening he returned.

It is very well written, but very long. It will tug at your heartstrings, yet uplift you. It’s well worth a read, even if you aren’t completely interested in pet rescue.

–> David Returns from New Orleans