Another Job Offer

Wow, what a busy couple of weeks I’ve had. My internship with the cat clinic officially ended on Wednesday, but… I was offered a job by the head vet! After reviewing (and rearranging) my fall class schedule and discussing it with Kevin, I decided to accept the job. I start on Monday and will be working 20 hours a week! I am so very excited about this, as this is my first job in which I will love going to on a regular basis.

It *is* still a job, but the level of activity and new situations keep me on my toes and gives me new challenges to overcome, which I thrive on. It has been rough getting used to being on my feet for 8+ hours at a time and being exhausted at the end of the day, but it has been getting easier. Hopefully, by the end of fall semester, I’ll be a seasoned pro! In the meantime, though, I’m looking into buying some energy drinks! 😀

Because I start on Monday, Kevin and I are heading up to LA tomorrow to a huge scrubs store so I can choose 3 more pairs. Hopefully they have some cute kitty cat prints. After that, we plan to meet up with his parents for dinner. His mom and sister should be done buying out Nordstrom’s by then! 😉

If it’s not too late, I’d like to go to 3rd Street Promenade and peruse the Swatch shop, because I desperately need a good, water resistant (read: plastic!) watch to wear to work. It’s been so, so hot here during the day that it should be perfect temperature by then to stroll around outside, too.

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