Archive for the ‘Rants’ Category

I Shop at Whole Foods…

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Whole Foods Market in Austin, TX So what!? For some reason, I feel like we are judged because we shop at Whole Foods. At least two couples I know of gives a little “heh heh”-type chuckle when the subject comes up. I have to admit, it makes me feel defensive.

I have no idea how much other people spend on their weekly groceries, or what other peoples budget is for food, but our food budget is one of the largest portions of what we spend money on.

Why? Because Kevin and I hardly spend on anything else. We don’t pay for cable. We don’t have Netflix (or any other monthly services except cell phone service). We rarely eat out (and when we do, we more than likely use a coupon). Kevin and I, on average, go out to see a movie every other month (separately still, until we are comfortable leaving Binary Boy with a sitter). We don’t buy fancy clothing or shoes – we both shop at Old Navy and Kohl’s (sales and coupons, of course), and occasionally I’ll find something at Costco. Hell, I’ve been wearing the same pair of Converse for over 4 years now and I still love them.

Sure, we’ve been buying some new furniture to furnish our used-to-be-bare home. Guess what, though? Mostly ALL of it has been on deep discount at World Market and probably bought in conjunction with a coupon! We patiently wait for sales… weeks, months even… and then grab what we want when it’s in our budget. We aren’t people who need to feel that instant gratification, clearly.

So, what do we spend a large chunk of our weekly budget on? Good, wholesome, healthy, safe food. Organic fruits and veggies. Sustainable meat and seafood. I have a wheat sensitivity, so I need to buy some of the gluten free items that can only be found at Whole Foods (and sadly, I think Binary Boy has inherited some of my food sensitivities, so we’ve been shopping for some of the gluten-free kids food, too).

Also, we shop their sales. When something is on sale, we buy it in bulk. We buy certain often-used items with their case discount (12 items = 10% off). We use the coupons they offer in store every month – yup, they put out their own coupon book! We buy their store brand, 365 Everyday Value, A LOT.

We don’t exclusively shop at Whole Foods, either. I know it’s not the be-all, end-all for grocery stores (but, we really, really love it there). We buy certain items at Costco and some things at H.E.B. (a local grocery store).

So, really? What is the deal with people judging us on where we shop? What’s with the judgment in general? What does that help or offer a friendship? I’ll tell you. Absolutely nothing.

Note: Not sure if I need to mention this, but just to cover my ass: Absolutely none of this post was sponsored by anyone and I got absolutely nothing to post any brand names. I added links because I felt like it, and as you can see, some brands I got lazy with and didn’t link.

TGIF? Not for me.

Friday, January 29th, 2010

I don’t know why, but I am just lacking patience today big time. Seems like all my Fridays are like this. Whereas most people enjoy Fridays, I do not especially, because by the end of the week, I am running on empty and the weekend is spent trying to tank up for the week ahead.

People tell me.. “Enjoy it while you can, because he won’t be little forever”. I get it, I really do. And I DO enjoy him. I love my son with all of my being. I devote all of my days (and parts of my nights) to him and his happiness and I truly enjoy most of it.

Toddlers are EXHAUSTING though. They are tenacious and full of energy and my boy seems to never need to nap or rest to recoup that energy. Although, by the end of the day, if he hasn’t taken an hour-long nap (or longer, but who are we kidding here?), he is a BEAR. He is downright awful to be around and super duper cranky. But, try as I might, he is not a child to be scheduled, so I have learned to watch signals. Yawning? Rubbing eyes? Whining more often than usual? Time for a nap. So, I attempt to get him down for a nap.

I do the whole naptime ritual at least twice a day. I read at least two books, usually more. He gets two homeopathic Hyland’s Teething Tablets and we “brush” our teeth. The music and white noise are carefully selected and then I lay down next to him on a mattress in his room. Usually, if the nap is going to stick, he falls asleep within 10 minutes and I transfer him to his crib and cover him up with blankets. If not, it’s very obvious and we go about our day.

On most days, one of naps does stick, but I am lucky if it lasts more than 30 minutes. That’s his average. Sometimes, the planets align and he takes an hour and a half nap, but that’s maybe once a week. Maybe. If I’m lucky.

I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. He has ample time to run around and play, both inside and outside (though lately it’s been dreadful weather, so the last few days we’ve skipped outdoor time). We get out of the house usually at least once a day to run errands, and he has a very large playroom inside where nothing is “off limits”. I am a stay-at-home-mom and have nothing else to do other than to take care of him and the house. I did sign him up at a local “The Little Gym” for a once a week class in the mornings. He loved the trial class. I am hoping that it will let him release some of that energy he has.

The two things that really bother me about his lack of naps is, first, that sleep is SO important for children his age (he is 15 months old), so I feel incredibly guilty and worried that he isn’t getting enough daytime sleep, and, second, that I resent the lack of time for me to recharge during the day.

So, what is the deal with my little guy not napping?

Just a Rant

Monday, August 18th, 2008

I’ve been feeling a little out of sorts for the past few days. Basically, my body doesn’t feel like it’s mine anymore. I guess considering I’m 7 1/2 months pregnant and bigger, slower and more achy than I’ve ever been in my entire life, it was bound to happen at some point.

The main culprit is my left hip. It really hurts. Like, a lot. It hurts to walk even a couple of steps. Of course, I still walk. I walked all weekend and I walk all day, but it still hurts.

Also, I don’t sleep very well anymore and I feel guilty for taking a nap during the day when there’s so much to get done, so I end up being groggy by dinner time. On top of that I can’t bend anymore and if I do, my lower back reminds me why I shouldn’t.

Apparently, my solution to fix these aches and pains is to sit down and have a really good cry. While I sat there and sobbed, I lamented in how much I miss my “old” body and endless energy and stamina. Yup. A good old-fashioned pity party.

After I finally stopped going over the list of things I used to be able to do, I realized I was thirsty and didn’t want to get up to get water because my hip hurts, so cried over that, too.

And you know what? I sure feel better now. Though, I wish I had telekinesis and could float that glass of water over without having to get up. 😉

A Few Things

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

A few things I used to take for granted before pregnancy:

  • Tying my shoes. My bows on my tennies are sideways now when I tie them. Mental note: Must find a comfortable pair of slip-ons… and soon.
  • Bending over to pick something up. At least not with my normal quick reflexes, nor bending at the waist with any finesse. It’s a deliberate, slow movement to pick something up from the floor now.
  • Getting up from sitting the floor. I usually turn over on all fours and push up from there. Though, sometimes, if Kevin is there, I ask him for help. Either way, I can’t just stand up from sitting like I used to.
  • Walking at my usual break-neck speed. Even though I exercise, I still get winded trying to keep up with Kevin at our “usual” walking speed. As for running? Yeah, that’s just not going to happen.
  • My waistline. It’s slowly being taken over, week by week. I know it’s for the best, and I know it will return, but I still miss it.
  • No bathroom breaks during movies. If a movie goes longer than an hour and a half, I can’t make it. I missed parts of both Iron Man and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Though, I made it through Wall-E (barely).

Also, this isn’t something I take for granted, but something I find amusing:

  • The “stare”. Yup, I’m finally getting it. People stare at the belly, and then happen to look me in the eye. Not the other way around. Also, small children are seriously amused by my belly and last week at Lowes a very young boy kept mimicking me by rounding his arms in front of him and walking back and forth. It was adorable and he was giggling up a storm.

And, these.. just plain drive me batty:

  • The hunger that strikes without warning. I’ve never really been a huge eater, and when it came to food, I was the one in control, not the other way around. This is no longer the case. Now, I will get ravenously, must-eat-something-NOW hungry all of the sudden and seemingly out of nowhere. Not too long ago, we were driving home and I almost started crying because I was suddenly so hungry and no food was around. I learned my lesson and keep snacks (nuts, fruit bars) in my purse at all times now. It really sucks.
  • Getting asked the question, “How far along are you?” When I answer, I always get, “Oh… but, you look so small.” What the heck does that mean??? If I hear that one more time, I might just scream, because, seriously, Binary Boy has been consistently ahead of schedule on both weight and length! It’s weird, because no matter how far along I’ve been, I’ve always received the same response. 😡