Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Thoughts about the Summer and beyond

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

To be honest, I have about 40 posts in draft behind the scenes here. I just can’t bring myself to publish anything. Maybe it’s because too many eyes will read it. Too many eyes that I don’t want to read my thoughts, at least the thoughts that I’ve been writing about lately. It’s hard to write and publish when you are not anonymous.

Aside from that, I’ve been busy hanging out with my two favorite people! My husband, Binary Boy and I have had a busy Summer! Swimming lessons, good friends moving within minutes away, lots of (minor) home improvement and the general day-to-day business that raising a child brings. Really, it’s been amazing and happy. I am content and, if I could purr like a contented cat, I would be purring constantly.

Binary Boy’s birthday is at the end of October, so we’ve started planning. Nothing but the date is set, yet, but it’s never too early to start! My Dad won’t be able to make it this year due to circumstances beyond his control, but we’ll hopefully see him next year (we’ll miss you Dad and Kika!). We’re not sure who else is coming from out-of-state, but hopefully, everyone can make it this year. It’s hard being away from family for so long!

Oh.. and my birthday is in a couple of weeks. I’ll be over 30! Not sure what I want to do for it, if anything, but after about 25, I stopped caring, to be honest. I have more fun celebrating other people’s birthday than my own!

We’ll be having a very relaxed Labor Day, with nothing much planned other than being together. We always seem to have fun no matter if we just go grocery shopping or weed the yard or hanging out with friends, so I’m sure it’ll be more of the same for our three-day-weekend. Hope you enjoy your weekend, too! Remember to relax and have fun with friends and family. They are what makes life worth living for. 🙂

A Day to Remember

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

Ever have a day where absolutely everything goes your way? That was today for me. I woke up feeling rested, as Binary Boy slept through the night. I had a good hair day. My morning espresso was especially yummy. I got to put in a load of laundry before we left for our class at The Little Gym. It was super fun, as usual. I had a wonderful chat with the instructor, who also happens to be the owner, while Binary Boy ate a snack there. As a bonus, the class tires him out so much so that I have to keep him awake on the drive home! He then usually falls asleep while I nurse him down for his nap.

Now, normally, I get on the computer or read mail and pay bills while he naps. Today, however, I started reading NurtureShock on my Kindle (it was recommended to me by a friend of mine) and started to feel tired myself, so I also took a nap. An hour and a half later, Binary Boy woke up. Amazingly, he napped for 2 hours!

Then it was time for lunch. I had another espresso, which seemed better than the first one I had this morning. After lunch, I transfered the laundry and we played for a bit, before heading out for a walk. It was a balmy 74 degrees today and sunny, with hardly any wind. Pretty much perfect weather.

We walked to the mailboxes, then we played in the park next to them for almost an hour. There were two other boys there, playing with toy helicopters, while their mom chatted on the cell phone. Binary Boy had fun watching the helicopters spin up and then crash down for a bit. We headed home after he started to get hungry.

Dinner was delicious, but simple. Baked chicken and rice/veggie pilaf. Binary Boy really loved the pilaf! After dinner, we played for a bit as a family and shortly after it was bubble bath time (not for me unfortunately – heehee)! Bath, stories, then bed, and, now, here I am trying to record it so I can remember it forever.

After putting it all into words, today doesn’t seem that special, but it was so very special to me. It was relaxed and all-around perfect. I hope we have many more days like it.

Wildly Better, You Say?

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Every morning I get these “Notes from the Universe“. It’s basically an inspirational blurb from the point of view of “the Universe” (or God or whatever higher being you believe in – if you do, that is!).

This morning, I woke up to see this message in my inbox:

“How is it Binary Blonde, that with so many brilliant beings on your planet, so few recognize that when one’s life encounters turbulence, choppy waters, or setbacks, it’s always a sign that things are about to get wildly better than they’ve ever been before?

And I’m not talking about the dolphins.

Don’t fight it,
The Universe”

I can’t even tell you how good it was to read that, considering how the last few days have been for me. So, thank you “Universe” for making my day that much better. 🙂

Why I Love Summer

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Summer is my favorite season. Sure, it’s hot, but when else during the year can you get amazing, organic strawberries (and SO many other fruits) for so cheap?

Also, swimming is the most fun during Summer, ponytails everyday of the week are okay, casual clothing is totally acceptable and people are generally more chipper.

And don’t get me started on being a kid and Summer. That’s pretty obvious!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have dessert waiting. Mmmmmmmm….

PS – This is my first post with my iPhone. Look okay?