Archive for the ‘Animals’ Category

In Memory of Sophie

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

Sophie at Rainbow Bridge
April 1, 1994 – September 11, 2002

Rainbow Bridge

There is a bridge connecting heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other.

There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly looks up! The nose twitches. The ears are up. The eyes are staring. And this one suddenly runs from the group.

You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.

Cuteness, Close-up

Monday, July 14th, 2008

It’s been too long since I’ve posted some photos of our “furkids”. So, here is a recent close-up photo of each! You can click the photos for a larger view.

Close-up of Noni

Close-up of Kanji

Lizards, Snakes & Frogs – Oh My!

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

We’ve been living here in Austin for almost two weeks now, and I swear I’ve seen more critters in these past two weeks than I have in all the time I lived in So Cal. Don’t get me wrong – I love critters! It’s Kevin I’m worried about.

Earlier this week, we went out to bring a load of laundry to the facilities here at the apartment complex, and just outside our door in the breezeway was a stripped garden snake. It was a thin little thing and wouldn’t dare move when we passed by it, but Kevin ran past it like it was spitting and ready to bite! 😆 I wish I had my camera, because it was cute and tiny, nothing that could have harmed Kev in the least.

That same night, I found a large toad near the sidewalk, and pointed it out to Kevin. He wasn’t afraid of it, but wasn’t as fascinated with it like I was. Again, it was too dark to get a good photo. 🙁 I think he made a comment like, “What is this – a witch’s cauldron!?” Hahahaha!

So, last night, we were doing another load of laundry and walked passed our neighbors window, when Kevin noticed a longish critter on the screen.

Kev: “What is that, a walking stick?”
Me: “No, it’s a lizard.”
Kev: “Eh, I wouldn’t want that thing in my house!”

You probably can guess where this is going…

Little lizard on our blinds. So, last night around 3:00 AM we were startled by Kanji jumping onto (or into, I’m not sure which) the blinds in our bedroom.

Yup, there was a lizard on the blinds. It was just your average medium-sized lizard. Of course, I was unconcerned, but Kevin was not happy – at all.

As the cats chittered and meowed in frustration, I told him we should probably catch it and get it outside so we can get back to sleep.

Kev: “What!? How are we supposed to do that!?”
Me (sleepily): “I don’t know.. get a glass jar or something, grab it and stick it in there.”
Kev: “I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.”
Me: “Sorry.. If you get the jar, I’ll do it.”

So, he finds a plastic tuperware instead and I corner the poor thing, catch it with my hands and contain it. He runs to open the door and I dump the container over in the breezeway. Super easy and no harm done! Guess all my lizard-catching as a child will pay off here. 😀

We shut that particular window, because the lizard probably snuck its way in through the screen somehow. Kevin vowed to check the cracks today to make sure it doesn’t happen again. And even though the cats were a little pissed off that we took away their toy, they finally settled down again and we got another few hours sleep.

Personally, I love (non-poisonous) critters, and don’t mind if they find their way inside, but would much rather they do it when we’re not asleep. 😉

We’re Home in Austin!

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

We got our internet set up about an hour ago, so now I can finally give a short update! Woohoo!

So, we drove into Austin on Friday afternoon to our apartment where we are staying until the house is done being built. Yesterday, the movers dropped off most of our stuff and the rest went into storage, because this place is teeny tiny. There is a lot left to unpack, but I’m just glad we’re here and safe.

I mentioned via Twitter two days ago that on our first day driving, I was rear-ended in Riverside, CA in a three car pile up. I was the last car hit, so I had the least amount of damage, both to me and to my car. Even though I was hit so hard that I was thrown over a full car length ahead, I stayed far enough away from Kevin (I was following him) that I didn’t hit him. I came close, though.

Physically, I’m mostly okay, but my neck and chest still hurts a lot (I think something was bruised internally). I also bruised my knees somehow. The fire department was first on the scene and they pretty much insisted I go to a hospital to get checked out. It was the first time I was ever taken anywhere in an ambulance, and those stiff boards they put you on are more uncomfortable than the injury you have, I think!!!

As for my car, my bumper is crunched in and my trunk has trouble staying closed, and I basically had to keep my left rear car door closed the rest of our trip out here with a luggage strap. Seriously ghetto, but I did what I had to do since we were on a tight schedule. 😆

Both Noni and Kanji did okay on the car ride over (they were in Kevin’s car because of my allergies), though every once in a while they’d have a little freak out and want to crawl up front with him. We had to stop a couple of times to zip Kanji back into his carrier for a bit until he chilled out. For the most part, though, they were A+ passengers, and were totally fine in the hotels we stayed in.

They’ve already made themselves at home here at the apartment, so I don’t think any permanent trauma was done, thank goodness! 😀

We have several errands to run today, so we’re going to head out now and get them done before Kev starts his new job tomorrow. My “job”, starting this week, will be to get my car fixed and to unpack, and then maybe look for a “real” job after.