Archive for November, 2009


Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

I’ve been babywearing Binary Boy since he was born. I first started with a sling, used it for about a week and decided that I didn’t really like it. Then I switched to a Mei Tai and used that for a while, but felt it wasn’t supportive enough for my back.

After doing some research and reading some blogs, I got an ERGObaby Carrier. And that is all I’ve ever used since. I am hooked! I still use it on a daily basis and especially enjoy shopping while babywearing Binary Boy. It keeps him close and I never have to worry about him if I have to leave the cart for a minute.

Ms. Babywearer herself, Stephanie, over at Adventures in Babywearing, asked for favorite babywearing photos. I only have a few, unfortunately. I will have to remedy that! However, choosing from the few that I have, here are my favorites:

I’ve removed the photos themselves, but here are the details:

  • Babywearing at the Texas State Capitol Building in Austin – March 27, 2009 – Binary Boy is 5 months old
  • Babywearing while sporting shades, June 1, 2009 – Binary Boy is just over 7 months old
  • Babywearing at Whole Foods, October 11, 2009 – Binary Boy is about two weeks away from his 1st birthday.

She has been featuring the winners of the Sakura Bloom Triathlon contest and it’s been fascinating to read about others who practice babywearing! Go take a look. Even if you’re not into babywearing, Stephanie’s writing and photos are captivating.

On Blogging

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

Yes, I know. I am not supposed to blog about not blogging, but here I am, doing just that. What can I say? I’ve been busy. You know, doing stuff. Being a mom, being a wife, taking care of the house.. you know, that kind of stuff. Mom stuff and domestic stuff that is all consuming of energy and time. So much so, that my evenings usually end with me exhausted and falling asleep (passing out) at 9 o’clock PM. With yet unfolded piles of laundry haunting my dreams…. fun times I tell ya.

Well, not tonight! I made some hot chocolate and hopefully the sugar will give me a boost so I can write on at least one of the myriad of post subjects that keep floating around in my head, or if they’re lucky enough, get written down on a scrap of paper that is added to large stack of other little scraps of paper on my desk.

So, instead of rambling on and on about being tired (blah, blah, blah), I will begin on my next post. So far, so good, at least I haven’t fallen asleep yet and it’s 10 o’clock.

It’s nice to be back. I missed you. 🙂