It Feels Good to Win Something

Blog award from Katelin at

Blog award from Katelin at

Last week (or was it the week before that?), Gorgeous Footprints in the Sand blog owner, Katelin bestowed this blog award to me! Yay! Thank you, Katelin!

Seeing as this is my first blog award (shocking, right?), I’m going to pass it along to two bloggers whom I make sure and check up on daily. Also, these two women are so super cool that I wish I knew them in real life.

Here are the blogs I bestow this award upon:

  • Jessica Gottlieb – Mom, Jewish and opinionated. What more do you want out of a mommy blogger?
  • Where Are We Going? – Fellow blonde mommy blogger from Austin who is always full of sass.

Now, if only I could win a blog contest someday, my blogging life will be complete. 😉

5 Responses to “It Feels Good to Win Something”

  1. Dara says:

    Aww how cute is that! The trophy is beautiful.

    Congrats on winning it. I myself have only been reading your blog for a couple of weeks, and I enjoy it very much already.

  2. katelin says:

    how have you not won more bloggy awards? i mean really, you’re awesome. 🙂

  3. Ooh, you are the bestest in the land.

    Thanks so much.

  4. bFlat says:

    Congrats! I love your blog and the pictures of binary boy.

  5. Liora says:

    Congratulations! I got a lot of inspiration by reading your blog. I too just want to try it and i would like to add to my favorites..

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