Archive for November, 2008

One Month (Already!?)

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Hello! Happy Friday to you. Sorry these posts are getting further and further apart. Will have to work on that. Unfortunately, I don’t really have time for a long post right now, either, but I wanted to write a short update, list-style and in no particular order.

Babywearing Binary Boy. He's 3 weeks old in this photo.

Babywearing Binary Boy. He's 3 weeks old in this photo.

  • Binary Boy will be 4 weeks old on Sunday and will no longer be considered a newborn. Awww.. Where did the last month go!?
  • Even though Binary Boy can technically go out in public (ie grocery shopping) starting on Sunday, I’m going to wait another week to take him with me.
  • I am so tired… Like, all the time. I know this soon shall pass, but… I am so tired. The pic show it, too. 😐
  • He’s growing so fast. I’m not sure exactly how much he weighs now, but he’s quickly outgrowing his size “Newborn” clothing – they go up to size 8 pounds.
  • Binary Boy smiles a lot now, can hold his head up for short periods of time and is starting to make “cooing” sounds.
  • The visit from the in-laws was so much fun. I am looking forward to when they return.
  • Speaking of visiting family.. Kevin and I hope to fly out to California around the holidays next year, when Binary Boy is about a year old.
  • Love, love, love all the book suggestions from you all! Thank you!
  • I am baby wearing Binary Boy a lot during the day now in my Mei Tai baby carrier. Kevin took a photo of us last weekend while I was wearing him. Pic is above. If I look tired in the pic.. well, it’s because I am. 😛
  • I will soon be in possession of an ErgoBaby baby carrier (I purchased the organic chocolate carrier) and am so looking forward to trying it out with Binary Boy.

That’s all for now! I’m sure I forgot something, but I gotta go change and feed Binary Boy, then laundry and other chores. Hope you all are having a great Friday, too!

One of Those Days

Friday, November 14th, 2008

This week without Kevin at home has been challenging. There were good times and there were some not so good times. There was some crying… both me and him, but thankfully that is all over now.

I hope think yesterday was the worst of it. I even called Kevin at work, crying, telling him that I needed him to come home. It seemed that nothing I did, short of nursing constantly, would calm Binary Boy. Kevin didn’t come home (during our chat he reminded me that it’s only temporary, which helped) and, eventually, I did calm Binary Boy (nursed him, though), but seriously, a woman can only nurse so much before it starts to get uncomfortable.

Maybe he was going through a growth spurt? Maybe he felt particularly crabby? Who knows. I know I had no clue as to what he was so cranky about! But, like I said, today is making up for it.

Binary Boy, smiling, at 2 weeks old. Amazon Kindle in the background.

Binary Boy, smiling, at 2 weeks old. Amazon Kindle in the background.

On a happier note, it seems that Binary Boy has set a night time schedule of every 2 hours. He sleeps in a co-sleeper (a bassinet that attaches to the side of an adult bed), so I can hear him waking and can pick him up before any actual crying happens. The routine is to change his diaper and then nurse. He’s what you’d call a “cluster feeder” – he nurses on and off for about an hour, sometimes more. It can get tiring (and boring), but that’s just how he is, so I’ve just come to accept it. I also know it won’t last forever, so I’m really trying to just enjoy this time with him.

I do have something to keep me entertained during those long feedings – a Kindle from Amazon. A week before he was born I purchased one and, so far, I’ve read about 6 books in these 3 weeks since. It’s been a treat to be able to read so much! I still have about 5 more books in my queue, too. 😀

I only wish there were more of my favorites available to purchase in digital format, but I know Amazon is working on it. Any suggestions for books or book series? I enjoy fantasy (think Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings – neither of which are available to legally purchase/download – boo! hiss!), in particular, but I love reading just about anything (except about politics and modern history) and don’t have time to research new titles, so any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Two Week Update

Monday, November 10th, 2008

I’ve been busy… oh, with all that normal stuff you do with a newborn: nursing, changing, bathing, but also with laughing, gazing, smelling (how do they smell so heavenly!?), holding, bopping, cuddling and, really, just enjoying our son with all my heart.

Tomorrow, Kevin goes back to work, so it will just be Binary Boy and I during the day. Thankfully, he is the best baby anyone could ever hope for. More often than not, he is very content. I do my best to read his cues and I think he and I are totally in sync now. I am feeding him “on-demand” and he’s already set a schedule of every 2-3 hours or so. He usually sleeps (I usually put him in a sling or hold him) between feedings, but sometimes, he’ll lay in my arms, awake, and I’ll read to him or we’ll just enjoy each others company.

Honestly, he is just the best. It’s as if he tries not to cry, and instead, he’ll make a face or other noises to signal what he needs. We are truly blessed that he chose us as parents.

I’ve been working on his birth story in bits and pieces, and it’s about halfway done. Generally, I have a horrible memory, so it’s important to me that I get it all written down. I hope to get it done within the next week or so.

Today, we went for our 2 week check-up at the birthing center. I am very happy to report that everything is perfect – with both him and I. He weighs in at a healthy 7 pounds, 13 ounces. That’s over a pound from what he dropped down to in the days after his birth (6 pounds, 10 ounces).

Personally, I still weigh 12 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight, but I keep telling myself that it’s only been 2 weeks! I’ve gotten the okay from the midwives to start exercising at 6 weeks – I’m looking forward to it.

So, in general, everything is going very well. I feel tired (though, who isn’t nowadays? New mom or not!), but I’m still on that “newborn high”, and each and everyday I feel more like a mom. 🙂

One Week Old

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

It’s amazing that he’s already a week old. I’ve heard that they “grow so fast”, but seriously!

Binary Boy sleeping peacefully.

Binary Boy sleeping peacefully.

For a few days there, I gotta admit, I felt frayed around the edges, but these last few days have been completely wonderful. Binary Boy and I have found our groove, and because of that, I’m happy to report that he barely cries.

I had read “The Baby Book” by Dr. Sears during my pregnancy, so it was nice to use what I had learned – about catching their signs of discomfort before they start crying.

It’s not really hard, really, as I still can’t stop gazing at him constantly. And I guess my mothering instincts have kicked in because I know what he needs by his facial and body language and can usually cut off a cry before it kicks into high gear.

I know parenting is a constant learning process, but I’m happy that he and I work well together already. Kevin is learning, too, but I know it’s a slower process for dads, so I’ve been trying my best to be patient. That’s been harder than learning Binary Boy’s cues, though! Heehee!

It’s rare that I have the time to write at any length, so his birth story might be another week or two – but I have started it. I want to get it recorded before I forget the whole thing!

Also, I wanted to thank everyone here for the comments, emails, ecards and gifts. They make me so happy and I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family! :heart: