Links I Like – Bulleted for Your Enjoyment

Since I am just now catching up on my feed reader (only 120 posts to go!), I have a lot of links I’d like to share. So, I thought it would be best to shove them all into one post. Most (not all!) are pregnancy, parenting or baby related. What can I say? I’ve got “baby” on the brain!


3 Responses to “Links I Like – Bulleted for Your Enjoyment”

  1. These sound like great links! I must check them out! (And thanks for linking up 5 Minutes For Parenting!!)


  2. Eileen says:

    I hate to say it, but the link on being a SAHM is true! I went to see Superbad with a bunch of new moms when Maya was 3 months old and it was a nightmare. She cried the entire time–then swallowed an earplug. Which is why Netflix rocks!
    Here’s the movie debacle in all it’s gory detail:
    P.S. I had fun checking out your blog!

  3. I’m going to echo Stephanie and say thanks for the link.

    If it makes you feel better, I think most SAHMs make room in their life (and their brain) to keep current with those things that are most important to them. For me, that’s news and weather. For others, that might be “People.” It’s just hard to fit in everything after children.

    But usually, you are having so much fun, you don’t even care.

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