So, on Saturday, Kevin and I went to see the movie WALL-E. I totally loved it! All the good stuff you’ve been hearing about it? It’s all true. Every bit of it. Seriously, go see it.
An interesting tidbit Kevin brought up, which I had not realised until he mentioned it, is that the majority of the movie has very little dialogue because the main characters are robots. You’d never notice, though. It’s really well done.
Anyway, I won’t give away any spoilers, even though I really want to blog about it, but it’s so good on so many levels. Go see it!
Edit – Okay, two things to keep in mind:
- Stay and watch the ending credits. They are an important detail (at least they were to me!) and they continue the story line past the somewhat abrupt ending.
- The movie might not be what you expect, based on the previews and ads, but you will still really enjoy it! As will children over 7 (8 maybe?), I imagine.
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I’m glad you wrote about this, the preview of this movie looks kinda good and I have been wondering what a animated movie with not much dialog would be like. I’ll have to check it out for sure!
i’m seeing wall-e tomorrow and i can’t wait! i’m so excited to see it. glad you loved it 🙂
Thanks for writing about wall-e as I have been curious to “real” reviews.
Thanks and much love, xoxo-pm
LJ – You might never even notice that there is very little dialog – I didn’t!
katelin – Cool! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Posh Mama – My pleasure. I really enjoyed this movie, so just had to let everyone know.