Archive for July, 2008

Someecards Meme

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Saw the reference over at Jenn’s and decided I just had to waste some time doing it.

The goal is to pick five cards from that describe yourself in “amazingly unflattering ways.” I can totally do that.

I could never forget your birthday because of pre-programmed email reminders.
I don’t know what I’d do without Google Calendar.

Please make yourself available to talk when I have nothing to do while driving.
I know several other people who give me a call while they’re driving, so I don’t feel too bad about this one.

I want to give to those in need without any physical contact.
My exception is cute, fuzzy animals.

Your busy day is interfering with my slacking off.
Because sometimes, I just need to not feel guilty about doing absolutely nothing.

Just curious if you\'d like to pay me tens of millions of dollars for pictures of my new baby.
You know, because aren’t all baby photos worth that much money?

Links I Like – Bulleted for Your Enjoyment

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Since I am just now catching up on my feed reader (only 120 posts to go!), I have a lot of links I’d like to share. So, I thought it would be best to shove them all into one post. Most (not all!) are pregnancy, parenting or baby related. What can I say? I’ve got “baby” on the brain!

Moving Date is Set

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Now that I’ve unpacked from our trip, I have to turn around and start packing again – to move out of our apartment and into our new house! This past Friday we had our “final walk-through”, and it went very well.

Our contractor brought a pack of little green dot stickers to mark everything we think needs some extra TLC before we move in. Nothing too major, just little stuff like paint touch-ups and some polishing here and there.

So, this week, the builders will be spiffing everything up and by close of business day next Friday, we will be holding the keys to our new home! With keys in hand, we plan to move-in next Saturday or Sunday, so it might be a bit quiet around here for a couple of days next weekend. 😉

Also, I’m working on processing photos for the baby shower and our trip to the Sequoias and should have all the details posted today or tomorrow. 🙂

Home, Sweet Home

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

We arrived home last night. Well, at least to the apartment-home, which is still in Austin and so feels like home.

I never imagined that home would be somewhere else than California, but I’ve never felt more at home in a place than I do here. I am so happy to know that we will be raising our child(ren?) in a city that we decided, on our own (with no outside influences), to live in. There’s just something freeing about that to me.

Even though I am so happy to be home, the trip to California was a lot of fun (at least for a few mishaps, which I will talk about later). The best part, no contest, was seeing our family. I only got to see my mom and best friend for the baby shower, but I am grateful I even saw them at all, considering they both had to travel a distance to get to where we were staying.

We did everything I wanted to do, too! We saw Batman: The Dark Knight (a masterpiece – go see it!), we went to Sequoia National Park (started out rough, but ended well – details later) and, of course, we had my baby shower (details and photos for another post!). We even threw in a game of miniature golf, which was a whole lot of fun!

As soon as I get unpacked and get the photos uploaded, I will set about posting the details of both the baby shower and visit to Sequoia National Park. I also plan to catch-up on everything going on with all of you, as I feel like I’ve missed so much already!