Guaranteed to Make You Smile

I had first heard about Matt several years ago. I thought he was done making videos, but I’m glad he’s not! I have to admit that not only did this video make me smile, it also made me tear up a bit. So inspirational and touching!

Also, and I would never claim to be a feminist, but I love his answer to the first question in his “Less Frequently Asked Questions” section, just below the regular FAQ’s. It made me lawlz.

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4 Responses to “Guaranteed to Make You Smile”

  1. Erica says:

    My co-workers just introduced me to Matt yesterday. I love his unique dancing!

  2. Bobby says:

    Holy cow, that’s cool. And the answer is hilarious, for the feminist in me. שבת טוב!

  3. katelin says:

    haha that’s awesome.

  4. Erica – Me, too! His dancing is definitely unique. Heehee.

    Bobby – I’m glad you think so, too! Isn’t that answer great?? Love it!

    katelin – It’s a great mood lifter!

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