My Little Secret

I think it’s time to reveal a secret I’ve been keeping. I’ve debated a lot on when it would be the best time to tell you all, because I’m just a little nervous about putting it into writing, but I’ve come to conclusion that if “now” isn’t the best time, I don’t know when will! So, here it goes… I’m pregnant!!! Yep, there is a bun in the oven!

This is our first baby and Kevin and I are very happy! We are both so excited to meet our little “Peanut” in the Fall. Our families already know, so it’s been so hard not writing about it here.

I mark my 15th week today, so I’m basically 3 weeks into my second trimester and am feeling great, except for the insomnia and restless leg syndrome (which causes the insomnia). The first trimester was filled with horrible nausea, awful cramps, sore breasts, food aversions, food cravings, exhaustion and plenty of worrying, but most of that is over now.

So, now that I finally got it out in the open, I can write about it when the urge arises. Happiness! 😀

Just a quick side note: I don’t intend for my blog to become a “mommy blog” (I’m just not funny enough to make it interesting), but because this blog is about me and my life, I do intend to blog about my experiences during this pregnancy and beyond. I truly hope that doesn’t scare any of my readers (all 3 of you!) away. Heehee.

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17 Responses to “My Little Secret”

  1. Miz UV says:


  2. Ilona says:


    Wow, you’re the 6 friend this year so far who has announced that their pregnant! Babies everywhere 🙂

  3. Kellie says:

    I am so happy for you and Kevin as well as Grandma!! You will know just how a child will change who you are… for the better. (You’ll be wanting to write about it ALOT!!)

  4. katelin says:

    Awww congrats!

    That is so exciting!!! 🙂

  5. Sara says:


    I’m so excited for you! And please, write all about it whenever you have the urge. I’m all about vicariously living through someone else’s pregnancy by reading their blog. All the excitement and joy reading about the experience (even the gory details if you feel the need to share), none of the painful side effects. When are you due?

  6. Lisa says:


  7. Susan says:

    Congratulations to your baby and to that, that you are feeling better 🙂

  8. Jenn says:

    That’s fantastic news! Congratulations 🙂

  9. Tammy says:

    This is most excellent news!! Congrats to you two! 🙂

  10. Jordyn says:

    CONGRATUALATIONS!!! Woohoo! I’m very happy for you. 🙂
    Also, I happen to be watching Juno. Like right now. As I read about you being pregnant. How coincidental, lolz.

  11. WebKittyn says:

    Congratulations!!! Woo!!

    That is so awesome, you are going to be a fantabulous mother!

    I’m truly thrilled for you, all the very best juju in the world to you and Kevin!

  12. Sue Doe-Nim says:

    Congratulations darlin’.

    I promise to be among the first to taunt you when you morph into a Mommy blogger.


  13. Mrs Pop says:


  14. Bobby says:

    Mazel Tov! But you knew that…

  15. Diana says:

    Congratulations! I found your blog on Entrecard. Please stop by my store – lots of adorable baby products. 🙂

  16. Patrick D. says:

    Congrats. We look forward to your membership in the ‘club’.

  17. Thank you all for your well-wishes and congratulations! It means so much to me!!! 😀

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