From the monthly archives:

May 2008

Machu Picchu Dream on Hold

May 28, 2008

I guess I never thought of bringing up the subject of our trip to Machu Picchu, but as Shelly pointed out in her comment, we would have left for Peru last Friday. To me it’s obvious why we aren’t in Peru right now, but I know it’s not really common knowledge that high altitude and […]

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Girl or Boy?

May 22, 2008

This is the question of the moment. When we first found out I was pregnant, we briefly discussed deciding whether or not we wanted to find out the sex of the baby before he or she was born or wait for a surprise. My first reaction was that I wanted it to be a surprise, […]

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R.I.P. Goldie the Car

May 21, 2008

Insurance companies (theirs and ours) have been a constant in our lives since we move to Austin because of the accident I was in on the first day of our drive out here from California. Recently, I found out from our insurance company that my car is totaled. Good ol’ Goldie the Car is finally […]

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16 Week Update

May 17, 2008

You knew it was inevitable… I’m going to talk about each and every one of my monthly/bi-monthly appointments, so you might as well get used to it now. 😉 So, yesterday, my 16-week (4 month) appointment went very well. Everything is on schedule, and myself and the baby are in perfect health! As my care […]

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