Archive for May, 2008

Machu Picchu Dream on Hold

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

Machu Picchu, the ancient Incan city in the clouds. I guess I never thought of bringing up the subject of our trip to Machu Picchu, but as Shelly pointed out in her comment, we would have left for Peru last Friday.

To me it’s obvious why we aren’t in Peru right now, but I know it’s not really common knowledge that high altitude and pregnancy don’t mix. That doesn’t mean that pregnant women can’t fly in an airplane, as the air in the passenger compartment is acclimated so we don’t suffer any ill affects of the high altitude.

What it does mean, however, is that if a pregnant woman isn’t used to high altitudes (i.e. myself and anyone else living below, let’s say, the altitude of Colorado Springs year-round), she shouldn’t go trouncing around mountains where it’s typical to use supplimental oxygen on a daily basis.

When Kevin and I found out I was pregnant in late February, I made the call to Southern Explorations and explained that we would have to cancel our trip to Machu Picchu.

I won’t lie and say that I’m not a little itty bitty bit disappointed, as hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu has been a life-long dream of mine, but it’s truly hard to be wholly disappointed because of why we had to cancel our trip.

I know that as soon as we are able, Kevin and I will take that trip, even if it happens after we retire. 🙂

Girl or Boy?

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

Girl or Boy? This is the question of the moment.

When we first found out I was pregnant, we briefly discussed deciding whether or not we wanted to find out the sex of the baby before he or she was born or wait for a surprise.

My first reaction was that I wanted it to be a surprise, but after mulling over it some more, I’ve decided that I really want to know. Besides, Kevin wanted to know, as well as the rest of our families, and if they knew, it was only going to be a matter of time before they let something slip. 😉

Since my prenatal care is with a birthing center, they don’t provide high tech ultrasounds, so they refer you to a nearby perinatal specialist to make an appointment. All they require is that I be at least 18 weeks. I will be 18 weeks at the end of this month.

So, yesterday, I made an appointment to find out the sex of our baby. Now, the countdown begins to June 5th!

R.I.P. Goldie the Car

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

Insurance companies (theirs and ours) have been a constant in our lives since we move to Austin because of the accident I was in on the first day of our drive out here from California.

Goldie on her way to Car Heaven. Recently, I found out from our insurance company that my car is totaled. Good ol’ Goldie the Car is finally going to car heaven. 🙁

I have mixed feelings about the news of her impending retirement. She was my first (and only!) car and even though she’s considered “old”, I took such good care of her that she received much higher marks on her evaluation than most cars half her age that are totaled.

I knew that our insurance company was evaluating the damage, and had a feeling that it would come to this (especially after the guy at the body shop looked at it for two seconds and said “ouch, I’ll bet that’s totaled.”), but I didn’t want to have to get a new car on anyone else’s terms but mine. Now, I have to get a new(ish) car, no matter if I like it or not.

It’s probably in my best interest to get a new(ish) car as Goldie was a 1996 and doesn’t come with a lot of the safety features a newer car has, especially safety features that are important with a baby on the way ❗ .

Still, it’s hard to let her go. She holds 8 years of my memories. I knew how she drove and all her little quirks. I knew exactly how much room I needed to parallel park. I knew, even though the gas gauge wasn’t accurate, exactly how many miles I could get off a full tank, half tank or even how much time I had to get to a gas station when it was on empty.

It’s really unsettling to me that the stupidity of some guy going way too fast took them away in less than 20 seconds. It’s been over a month and I still break out in a sweat and inwardly panic if I’m coming to a stop and the person behind me is too close or coming toward me too fast. (Hmmm, guess I have some stuff to work through…)

Regardless of my issues surrounding the accident, I can’t drive this rental car forever, and soon I’ll need to face the fact that I need a new(ish) car. So, anyone have any suggestions of a super safe, family-friendly car (new or used) for under $20K? No minivans, though. 😉

16 Week Update

Saturday, May 17th, 2008

You knew it was inevitable… I’m going to talk about each and every one of my monthly/bi-monthly appointments, so you might as well get used to it now. 😉

So, yesterday, my 16-week (4 month) appointment went very well. Everything is on schedule, and myself and the baby are in perfect health!

As my care has been with midwives and not OB/GYN’s, I haven’t had a chance to have an official ultrasound since after the accident (although I never mention the ultrasound in that post because the news wasn’t out, yet). They regularly use dopplers instead of ultrasound machines because they are less invasive.

Yesterday, however, the baby was moving around a lot and hiding from the doppler, so the midwife couldn’t get a clear reading of the heartbeat. So the midwife wanted to bring out the ultrasound to take a look. I was all for it! Even though it was low-quality and grainy, I got to see our baby again!

He or she was facing down for most of the ultrasound and we noticed some hiccups and kicking (almost like backward kicks). Towards the end, the baby moved to face directly at us for a short time. It was so amazing.

Here’s one of the photo stills from the ultrasound. It was my favorite because you can see the left leg so clearly.

16 week ultrasound

At the end of the appointment, she handed me a referral to a doctor to schedule a high quality ultrasound for the “anatomy scan” at the hospital. That means we’ll know if we’re having a boy or a girl in the next 2-3 weeks! I’m so excited!