The Wheels on the Truck…

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, the movers arrive to pack up our stuff and take it to Austin. We had planned to leave tomorrow as well, but because the movers aren’t leaving until 5:00 PM, we felt it was too late to start a 5.5+ hour drive. Especially considering it’s a work day and everyone will be on the freeways at exactly that moment (ugh).

So, the new plan is we’re leaving at 10:00 AM on Tuesday morning, right after rush hour traffic. Also, even though each day will take us about 5.5 – 6.5 hours closer to our new home, that isn’t including pit stops, so we spaced out the drive three nights, instead of two.

After the movers leave tomorrow evening, we’ll be staying in our own place for the night. We had considered staying in a hotel for the night (since all the furniture will be on a truck heading towards Texas), but felt we could “rough it” for one night on an air mattress. 😆

Noni and Kanji are taking all the commotion considerably well. Even so, I took all necessary precautions and cleared out our walk-in closet. Inside, I created a little sanctuary for them to hide out while the movers stomp all over the place tomorrow. I put in their soft-sided carriers that they will be staying in during the drive, so they can get used to them, and their food/water and litter box will be in there, as well.

I’m not really worried about the drive for us, only them. So, we made sure to get anything and everything we could to make them as comfortable as possible. Cats don’t really enjoy rapid change, so we’re going to make every effort to keep their food times consistent, as well as any other familiar routines we can think of. 🙂

Hopefully, it’s enough to keep them from being too traumatized! Though, these two are pretty cool customers, so I’m not fretting too much.

6 Responses to “The Wheels on the Truck…”

  1. BB says:

    Keep your chin up. They say that moving is the 3rd most stressful thing you can do in your life. Good luck.

  2. katelin says:

    i didn’t realize the move was so soon, how exciting! good luck!

  3. Sarah says:

    Wow, that’s so sudden! But it sounds really exciting. I wish I was getting a new house/city. (Not that I don’t love the city I’m in, but new places are always so cool to explore.)

  4. Mark says:

    I feel for you and your cats. About a year ago we moved from NJ to Florida. We got things ready in Fl and then flew our cats to Tampa and then drove to Bradenton. The worst part of the trip was when security at the air port removed our cats from the carrier (very scary for them) But its over and everybody is happy 😈 Love your blog and good luck on your move!

  5. Simple Mindz says:

    Good luck with the move! It’s all so very exciting!

  6. Marian Rivera says:

    personally, I hate moving.. i hate the packing and unpacking… and fitting around..

    Im sure you know what I mean.. 🙂

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