Last night, about an hour after I posted, I got the call that Celeste had another episode and this time, her heart stopped. They couldn’t revive her.
I am dying inside and am missing her beyond words. I can’t express how grief-stricken I am, but I know she is no longer suffering.
If you have a furbaby of your own, please make sure to give them extra love today and everyday, because they deserve it.
I’m so sorry to hear that. Hugs from Cocoa and Tiki. RIP, dear Celeste.
I’m very sorry 🙁 I am happy she’s no longer suffering.
Oh, honey! My heart breaks for you 🙁
I am a dog lover, but those pictures of your cate Celeste are the most beautiful photos I’ve ever seen! She is stunning. You are fortunate to have shared your life with her – she will be missed.
Oh no! I am so, so sorry. And it all happened so suddenly.
I feel teary. Going to go hug my cats.
Yikes oh man. I’m so sorry. This is heart breaking news.
I am so very sorry hun. 🙁
I am so sorry for your loss, you and Kevin are in my thoughts.
I am so incredibly sorry for you. I know how difficult it is and all I can do is tell you my heart aches for you.
I am SO sorry you lost your beloved Celeste! We never have long enough with our pets. I’m still grieving over my dog that’s been gone nearly 10 years now. I have others, but they’re not Brylee.
Please accept my sincere condolences.
I’m so sorry. My condolences.
My heart breaks for you. I have two kitties at the moment and I had lost one a year or so ago.
Hugs and hope to you.
I truly sympathize with you, I have been there as well, my German Shepard Lordy will also live forever in my heart.
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