Paws are Cute

Cute Kanji paws, closeup.

Cute kitten paws make it all better!

8 Responses to “Paws are Cute”

  1. Lisa H. says:

    I love paws. They are so cute.

  2. Kellie says:

    I call them “Kitty Feet”… I have started a series of photos of my kitty’s feet in many funny and strange positions! I am also doing a series of odd “pillows” my cat picks to sleep on, such as concrete steps, cardboard boxes, and his favorite, his round plastic chase toy.

  3. Bobby says:


    *I so do not have a soft spot for kittens*

  4. It’s not so nice to wake up to them padding around your face at 4am though!

    Nah, I’m kidding. I love my cats and their antics 🙂

  5. animecrunchy says:

    Very clean paw. Do you always clean your cats?

  6. Rebecca says:

    That’s really cute. 🙂

  7. simple Mindz – I agree. 😉

    Lisa H. – Ditto!

    Kellie – Wow, what a great creative project you’re doing. I’d be interested in seeing those photos. How fun!

    Bobby – Teehee. You sure about that? 😛

    Mike Robinson – Hahaha! You are so right. Though, the only one who really walks on our faces or runs across our bodies or uses our necks as a launching pad is Celeste. Thankfully, she only does those things once in a blue moon.

    animecrunchy – They are self-cleaning, thank goodness! 😉

    Rebecca – Heehee. I agree!

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