Sitting Pretty

January 13, 2008

Where did this weekend go?

Well, considering I was supposed to be asleep 2 hours ago, here’s a cute photo of Celeste in “sphinx pose” on her pillow, which is above my pillow. Yes, she has her own special pillow. What can I say? They’re spoiled!

Celeste in Sphinx Pose

Hope you all have a great Monday! 😉

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

Solomon Broad January 14, 2008 at 2:56 am

She’s really cute! How old is she?


Lisa H. January 14, 2008 at 11:44 am

So cute! Her face says “I’m sleepin’, why aren’t you sleepin’??”

Our spoiled furry one has her own chaise. If one of her people sits in it, she stares them down until they get up and move. Then she promptly steals the spot.


KSS January 14, 2008 at 12:38 pm

Now you need to post photos of Kanji and Noni. You know they can get a little jealous!


Binary Blonde January 14, 2008 at 3:02 pm

Solomon Broad – I’ll let her know you said so, but I doubt her head could grow any larger. 😉 She was born in August 2002, so she is 5 years old as of today. She’ll turn 6 years old this August.
Lisa H. – Haha! You called it! She was ready for bed and was waiting for me. Wow, her own chaise? Now that’s one pampered kitty! 😆
KSS – You’re right! Guess I know what I’m blogging about for today and tomorrow, now don’t I? Teehee!


Bobby January 14, 2008 at 8:04 pm

Too cute!


Miz UV January 14, 2008 at 9:52 pm

What a beautiful kitty! Mine sometimes use *me* for a pillow — and one of them is 13.5 pounds. Ow.


Sara January 14, 2008 at 10:56 pm

those blue eyes combined with that long fluffy fur – honestly, how can you not spoil her?


Jenn January 15, 2008 at 10:08 am

I love her name and how fluffy she is 🙂


Sarah January 16, 2008 at 1:39 pm

Ooh, pretty pretty! She’s all sprawled out!


Binary Blonde January 17, 2008 at 5:15 pm

Bobby – I’ll let her know you said so. 😉

Miz UV – Oof! I know how you feel. When ours get the “midnight crazies”, they sometimes use our stomachs as launching pads when jumping off the bed. It knocks the wind out of me!

Sara – You speak the truth. She really is a princess in furry clothing.

Jenn – Thanks! I named her myself. Her eyes were the inspiration. The fluffiness I cannot take credit for, but I am the only one on the planet who she lets brush her. 😆

Sarah – She is frequently stretched out on her back or sitting like this. I think with all that fur, she enjoys “airing” out and cooling off. 😉


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